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Kale recipes

Use it to make "crispy seaweed" of the type you would order in a Chinese restaurant/takeaway - it is usually kale or similar greens, despite the name.

Do not attempt to do this in an air fryer though, high temperature + strong fan + very light bits of kale = potential fire hazard. Potential fire hazard involving burning bits of kale flying across the kitchen when you open the air fryer drawer.
Trust me on this, I have tried it so you don't have to :hmm:
Literally rub oil and salt into it?
Yes, there are loads of recipes online. It softens the kale up and makes it less fibrous, then you can add the rest of the salad ingredients and dressing. Great with feta cheese, nuts, citrussy flavours, all that type of thing.

Also yes to stir fries, crispy seaweed type stuff, curries...delicious and very good for you.
You know that dish you make by frying up a load of cabbage and bacon together? That but using kale and chorizo. I tried it once and it was great.
I do feel as though if I have to eat a veg fried with a cured meat product in order to enjoy it, it's probably the cured meat product that I like and I should probably just skip that particular veg in favour of one I prefer in of itself :D
I really don’t think I like kale. I will try some of the ideas from this thread. Maybe not the massaging one. 8ball has really put me off.

As far as I know, there's no requirement to eat kale.
Refusing a veg can be problematic in nutritional terms if it is all veg, but not liking one or two out of the myriad of veg available is allowed :D
As far as I know, there's no requirement to eat kale.
Refusing a veg can be problematic in nutritional terms if it is all veg, but not liking one or two out of the myriad of veg available is allowed :D
I got it in my veg box this week and may get more. I can specify not to have it but I want to try to like it.
I got it in my veg box this week and may get more. I can specify not to have it but I want to try to like it.

I like the pesto style idea posted upthread - I do a similar pasta with pesto thing involving leftover broccoli with a bit of parmesan and some chilli flakes, as it's a good way to use broccoli stalk.
Pan, little sesame oil, heat and cover on a lowish heat. Stir. It should not burn. You are pretty much steaming it in its own moisture.
I love cale. Also love cabbage, but cabbage tends to be cheaper so I eat more of that.
Remove the woodiest stems and just steam it.

Cooked kale is fucking lovely as it*

Just like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, green beans, winter greens, peas, etc. etc.

*ok, maybe add a little butter, salt and pepper

See out of all those, I like all of them except kale, and spinach I am a bit fussy about. I will happily eat piles of savoy, white or red cabbage, greens, peas, sprouts.
I'm not particularly fussy by which I mean I will eat it if it's put in front of me, but there are so many other veg I prefer so I don't feel the need to eat kale.
Do get it occasionally because OH is a bit veg-shy but he does like kale, but I tend to do some other veg for myself :D
What can I do with kale? I sautéed it but would not repeat that experiment. It ended up all burnt. All and any ideas gratefully received. Thanks.

Sautee it until it's a bit brown (not burnt) with garlic. Add cream, parmesan cheese, bit of cayenne pepper for a kick, maybe a bit of water so as it reaches the consistency of your liking. Mix with pasta. You can thank me later.
Sautee it until it's a bit brown (not burnt) with garlic. Add cream, parmesan cheese, bit of cayenne pepper for a kick, maybe a bit of water so as it reaches the consistency of your liking. Mix with pasta. You can thank me later.

You just reminded me of this. Although I add chorizo and often cheat and use tomato paste.

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