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I've not seen (on purpose) a single Olympic event.

i was in the barbers the other day watching the cycling thing when GB mens team got the world record. Was strangely hypnotic, and sort of exciting, till I realised that its just a bunch of people cycling round and round and round, albeit very quickly, in a big circle.

I watched the opening ceremony, because that was a "show" rather than sport.

Apart from that, scrupulously avoiding it. I'd watch the gymnastics, and some of the martial arts stuff, if there was nothing else on. But apart from that, not bothered at all.
Not watching it, but trying to avoid it either, so caught the odd bit when it's been on in the staff room. Can't say that bothers me any more then most drivel on TV.

Wasn't going to see it but quite glad I watched the opening ceremony for the sheer randomness of it all.
I watched a morning's worth of rowing, and have been watching highlights. It's also on atm (tennis). I'm not glued to it but have been keeping track of golds. I found some of it quite emotional, esp the rowing.
Me :) but I'm not on avoidance because it's the Olympics, just because it's sport. Yes Miss Faulkener, sadistic PE teacher with a PhD in humiliation of kids who didn't excel on track or field, you ruined sport for me.

I had one of those. Used to love running till I caught the eye of a sergeant major type PE teacher. Drove me to tears at age12 till my mother and aunt paid her a visit at school. ;)
Those teachers are probably dead now, and you are allowed to change your mind about stuff.
I love sport in schools now having experienced both as an adult working in schools and that gladdens my heart because it's so inclusive and good fun and a million miles away from my grim experiences. I now like reading about sport and listening to TMS, I've even spent ages on a football phone-in talking to Tim Vickery. There's a thing; I loathe phone-ins. I've lived through loads of Olympics on TV and it is so inextricably meshed with bad experience of sport that I just don't bother. I'm a grown up and I just do what I want to entertain myself. I missed the opening ceremony because I was away but I saw it on i-Player and it was a brilliant spectacle and funny too :)
I missed half of it because I kept falling asleep! The bits I did see were fantastic, and I would like to see the whole thing some time.
I had one of those. Used to love running till I caught the eye of a sergeant major type PE teacher. Drove me to tears at age12 till my mother and aunt paid her a visit at school. ;)

But they were trying to help you become an Olympic gold medallist!
But they were trying to help you become an Olympic gold medallist!
She was a nasty, crabby bitch that should never have been let loose on kids. She was also on the receiving end of an impressive walloping when the science teachers wife made an appearance one lunchtime to show her displeasure at the PE mare boffing her husband. :D
I keep meaning to listen to some of the commentry of specific events but am not moved enough to be organised to look up schedules and want to do other stuff anyway. It seems to be so omnipresent, I end up half hearing bits regardless. So I'm not massively excited but neither anti the sports or dismissive. It's just sort of like an interesting biscuit.
I was well shit at ball games. Hated PE especially rounders. Swimming, not bad. Cycling on proper fixies on a track, I loved. Though wasn't the fastest. We were lucky to get that opportunity and if I could cycle now, I would.

It's a real shame when a twat of a teacher can put kids off all physical activity altogether. It's supposed to be fun at the end of the day...
I have carefully avoided seeing any of it. I hate sport and can't see the point of watching other people do something I don't like.
Next weekend I'm off to babysit my grandson in Twickenham whilst my son and his wife go to see some olympic events for the 3rd weekend in a row.
My sons do not take after their mother unfortunately :facepalm::)
My sons do not take after their mother unfortunately :facepalm::)
I had to fill in a questionnaire about sport, mothers and daughters when my eldest was about 15. I do remember filling in one with the answer 'she is encouraged and helped to participate in a wide range of activities on the condition I do not have to become personally involved' (and she did loads of a wide range of sport, regularly).
I've watched some of it, champions of the world doing their stuff. Some of it has been really good, actually I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed watching posh people win Gold medals.
Have I stated anywhere on this thread that I'm an Olympic hating dullard?
No. What you've done though, is start a thread saying "I don't care about the Olympics, and I don't care about it loads!!!"

Can you honestly not see how that comes across? :confused:

I don't mind tbh, I just think it's a bit :D and a little :facepalm:. No big shakes though.
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