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Is there anywhere as wankery as Fitzrovia?

John Pilger wrote a good essay about Fitzrovia and how it had changed since he worked there in the 1960s in a tiny news bureau office. It's one of his collected essays books, can't remember which. Cleveland Street retained some of the older atmosphere with its little Greek and Italian restaurants, the latter of the kind to have chianti bottles hanging from the ceiling and rustic scenes painted on thickly varnished wood.
I wouldn't dream of being rude to them. It's just a horrible, horrible situation for both of us.

Genuinely never seen this anywhere remotely downmarket. The thought of it makes the whole thing seem even worse for some reason :(.

Nor have I experienced the bachelor-bothering poetry that this thread has brought my attention to. I just hope the National Archive has been alerted to this phenomenon.
they don't have people doing that sort of thing at kew
I have it on good authority that most toilet attendant jobs do not involve spraying anything other than cleaning products when there has been a mess made - in general their job is to (in this day and age) ensure social distancing when queueing and maximum numbers of people in the facilities at any one time, cleaning the toilets, mopping the floor, (basically being on puke and piss duty) making sure there is adequate toilet paper, soap, hand sanitiser, paper towels etc.
I have it on good authority that most toilet attendant jobs do not involve spraying anything other than cleaning products when there has been a mess made - in general their job is to (in this day and age) ensure social distancing when queueing and maximum numbers of people in the facilities at any one time, cleaning the toilets, mopping the floor, (basically being on puke and piss duty) making sure there is adequate toilet paper, soap, hand sanitiser, paper towels etc.

I'd always assumed their main purpose was to discourage people from having a quick shag or sneaky line in the cubicles!
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