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Is there anywhere as wankery as Fitzrovia?

I used to work on Mortimer Street and watched the relentless programme of poshing up the area, driven by the landlords, in particular the Crown Estates. The hardware shop next-door was moved to new premises; the cafe opposite was told to get fancy or close - they did the former and started wearing silly hats and stopped serving jacket potatoes or anthing lunchy under £6.00, the hairdresser became Psycle; a male grooming parlour opened; the pub closed; and somewhere selling very expensive cups of coffee opened. The company I worked for shut down after being told about the new rents.
I really hate those posh loos where there's a bloke selling mouth fresheners and a squirt of after shave and what-not. And he's handing you a paper towel so he's already done something for you, but I've got no intention of tipping him, but I feel fuckton sorry for him having to stand in that loo and hand rich fuckers a square of paper towel. And I'd rather just have a pee without you hovering over my shoulder... :mad:
I really hate those posh loos where there's a bloke selling mouth fresheners and a squirt of after shave and what-not. And he's handing you a paper towel so he's already done something for you, but I've got no intention of tipping him, but I feel fuckton sorry for him having to stand in that loo and hand rich fuckers a square of paper towel. And I'd rather just have a pee without you hovering over my shoulder... :mad:
bog trolls
I really hate those posh loos where there's a bloke selling mouth fresheners and a squirt of after shave and what-not. And he's handing you a paper towel so he's already done something for you, but I've got no intention of tipping him, but I feel fuckton sorry for him having to stand in that loo and hand rich fuckers a square of paper towel. And I'd rather just have a pee without you hovering over my shoulder... :mad:

I think the virus might have killed off that profession - maybe there's some link between that and the Fitzrovia invasion of robot toilets.
Fitzrovia has been swallowed up by the Central London property market in recent years and some surviving pockets of community spat out. But that is just the story of London not of Fitzrovia. Its not the worst area of London and I would not say it deserves the adjective "wankery"
Many years ago there was a dirt cheap, and very authentic Brazilian cafe called Delicioso there. Pao de queijo, feijoada, and a can of guarana for 6 quid. Amazing value. Shut down in about 2005 I think.
I really hate those posh loos where there's a bloke selling mouth fresheners and a squirt of after shave and what-not. And he's handing you a paper towel so he's already done something for you, but I've got no intention of tipping him, but I feel fuckton sorry for him having to stand in that loo and hand rich fuckers a square of paper towel. And I'd rather just have a pee without you hovering over my shoulder... :mad:

This was a thing in Dublin, 15 or 20 years ago. Many of the attendants were from Nigeria and it wasn't long before Dublin slang described them as "the blacks in the jacks". :hmm:

Casual racism aside, this didn't seem to be in posh pubs.
I really hate those posh loos where there's a bloke selling mouth fresheners and a squirt of after shave and what-not. And he's handing you a paper towel so he's already done something for you, but I've got no intention of tipping him, but I feel fuckton sorry for him having to stand in that loo and hand rich fuckers a square of paper towel. And I'd rather just have a pee without you hovering over my shoulder... :mad:

Honestly my husband sometimes does that sort of shift, and whatever you think about how wanky the place is, please please don't ever be rude to the toilet attendant (not saying you would even consider that, but just saying - it ain't their fault and it is a really shit job).
Honestly my husband sometimes does that sort of shift, and whatever you think about how wanky the place is, please please don't ever be rude to the toilet attendant (not saying you would even consider that, but just saying - it ain't their fault and it is a really shit job).
I wouldn't dream of being rude to them. It's just a horrible, horrible situation for both of us.

Genuinely never seen this anywhere remotely downmarket. The thought of it makes the whole thing seem even worse for some reason :(.

Nor have I experienced the bachelor-bothering poetry that this thread has brought my attention to. I just hope the National Archive has been alerted to this phenomenon.
It's usually in clubs, but you won't find them in many genuinely "upmarket" hotels or bars where the concept of customers being accosted by someone waving perfume for money in the toilets would be considered really rather vulgar, old chap!
It's pretty vulgar wherever it is, to be honest.
I’ve never experienced this big troll poetry either. If they said something like that in the places I frequent(ed), customers would have had a word and complained
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