I'm sorry, this is still a major stumbling block for me. I don't see the the 'need' for extra dimensions. The interaction of the various parts of the body and the brain account for all the behaviours of the mind, as far as I can see.
But then I've
aleady been through all this Crispy!
It's not the "behaviours of the mind" that I've been talking about but the
existence of the mind and consciousness.
Because you can ask how is it, as a matter if natural fact, that any experience of the world or consciousness in general is at all possible?
So these days science can say all your thoughts, dreams, fealings and experience of the world are the result of the hugely intricate stucture and functioning of the brain and nervous system.
But then you can think things like: my body can be examined by all the most sophistcated observing and detecting instuments in the world but nowhere will they observe or directly detect my thoughts, feelings, preceptions etc themselves? How is that?
where is my consciousness anyway?
And then again, how is it that all this structure and functioning of my brain and nervous system results in my experiencing anything at all?
So how does all this cerebral and neural anatomy and electrochemical activity in my body
transform or translate into all my thoughts and experiences?
And I propose that, just as you need an extra-dimensional answer to how matter can be and remain in any form as atoms, molecules and living organisms, so do you need such an explanation for the existence of the mind and consciousness.
Crispy said:
Agreed. There is no evidence for the afterlife.
But what is the evidence for this?
And this is what my blog is all about. So you basically have to consider certain aspects of the mind in relation to the evidence of quantum physics and matter in general as observed and found by experiment to sufficiently justify and describe enough details of a cause as this acts universally, constantly and extradimensionally in addition to the forces.
And then probably, no prominent physicist anyway would be satisfied with any such account of quantum objects through to human beings without the costruction of a sufficiently detailed extradimensional and nonlocal causal cosmological theory as well.