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Iran Pakistan tensions


Well-Known Member
It looks like a new conflict has risen in the world in 2024 this time between Iran and Pakistan after Iran admitted carry out a deadly strike on Pakistani territory on tueday?

So Pakistan retailatied and hit targets on Iranian Territory, looks like mid east/ Asia are having problems?

I wonder if they have choreographed all this between the two of them so that the Baloch militants don’t quite know which way to turn and are less likely to carry out local reprisals?
Article I read said they share a 560 km (or was it miles?) border that is "largely lawless", lots of smuggling as well as these guerilla groups flitting back and forth. Sectarian and separtist tensions aren't a great recipe, never mind the Balochs.
I should of add another question in start of the thread but I'll put here instead

Does anyone know what started this?
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