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In the context of the grand scheme of the Universe..

Everything matters to somebody. It's how you let it effect you which can effect how you percieve it.
the man who knows me better than myself. Unreal.

I knew it was a waste of time trying to explain what i understand by 'nothing matters' and why i use it as a mantra. But i did try. Probably not next time since you consistently fail to interpret what you read, probably because of your certainty of knowledge, and how much you already know in life and that you left sixth form discussions behind a long time ago.

You're a closed book kyser, and if i'm a sociopath, then so be it. I've never been called one of those before, but i'll add it to the collection.

I'm not sure i've ever come across someone who is so judgmental, and negatively so, of other people who they don't even bloody know. Unreal. You most definitely are wasted not being a politician, that job would suit you down to the ground.

Now, will you to back to tending to ignore me nowadays please. It's much more peaceful round these parts.

But... why do you care?
Also, I think the nihilism that Fela suggests is the teaching of Buddha/Buddhists is entirely false. The Buddha would rejected both extremes of 'everything matters' and 'nothing matters:

I'm not suggesting any kind of nihilism at all, although it's interesting to see you interpret it that way: this indicates to me you are reading things too literally and not taking into account connotative meanings intended by the writer. I've already explained what i mean by 'nothing matters' and why i use it as a mantra, but obviously i need to do so again: to lessen the blow of suffering, to help train oneself against the effects of damaging emotional identification with external events and states, to remind oneself not to take life too seriously, and to protect oneself from the negative judgments about oneself from other people that can create damaging negative energy in one's body and mind.

It doesn't always work out this way, but as a mantra and default, it's very useful in my life.

Incidentally if buddha would have rejected 'everything matters', you are obviously in disagreement with the man. No problems there, but just checking your consistency.
I've already explained what i mean by 'nothing matters' and why i use it as a mantra, but obviously i need to do so again: to lessen the blow of suffering, to help train oneself against the effects of damaging emotional identification with external events and states, to remind oneself not to take life too seriously, and to protect oneself from the negative judgments about oneself from other people that can create damaging negative energy in one's body and mind.

So exactly what I said without the flowery prose.

Also, repeating a mantra makes it real in the mind. So having a mantra of 'nothing matters' won't lead to a nuanced defence mechanism, it'll lead to you not caring about anything.
I'm not suggesting any kind of nihilism at all, although it's interesting to see you interpret it that way: this indicates to me you are reading things too literally and not taking into account connotative meanings intended by the writer. I've already explained what i mean by 'nothing matters' and why i use it as a mantra, but obviously i need to do so again: to lessen the blow of suffering, to help train oneself against the effects of damaging emotional identification with external events and states, to remind oneself not to take life too seriously, and to protect oneself from the negative judgments about oneself from other people that can create damaging negative energy in one's body and mind.

It doesn't always work out this way, but as a mantra and default, it's very useful in my life.

Incidentally if buddha would have rejected 'everything matters', you are obviously in disagreement with the man. No problems there, but just checking your consistency.

I'm not a Buddhist. You are the one who is rejecting the teachings of the Buddhist and the Buddhists.

Which is strange considering you claim to follow those teachings.

All you are doing is making up your own (inconsistent) philosophy to try and deal with your own life. I have no problem with that, but you should expect it to be criticized, because it is inherently flawed.

I don't think you should try and attach that to the teachings of the Buddha or Buddhists because it is clear they would entirely reject your philosophy as a misunderstanding of the nature of reality.
I'm not a Buddhist. You are the one who is rejecting the teachings of the Buddhist and the Buddhists.

Which is strange considering you claim to follow those teachings.

All you are doing is making up your own (inconsistent) philosophy to try and deal with your own life. I have no problem with that, but you should expect it to be criticized, because it is inherently flawed.

I don't think you should try and attach that to the teachings of the Buddha or Buddhists because it is clear they would entirely reject your philosophy as a misunderstanding of the nature of reality.

I'm not a buddhist either, nor am i rejecting the teachings of buddha and buddhists - they're free to do what they want. Just because i don't accept all their teachings does not mean i reject them.

I don't claim to follow any teachings, least of all any religion, and least of all from dead people. As you have noted in your next paragraph, i'm following my own philosophy in life based on my own experiences and thinking.

If i'm making up my own philosophy for my own life, how on earth can it be flawed?? It must be 100% correct since it's by me for me. As for any inconsistency, great, absolutely nothing wrong with that, and in fact more could be said to be wrong about consistency if an argument was to be had on this point. It's often the case that those who are consistent cannot accept they are wrong, while those who are inconsistent can quickly see if they're wrong and then adapt themselves to be right. After all, the most effective and deep-rooted learning comes from making mistakes in life.

A misunderstanding over the 'nature of reality'... hmm, interesting. Whose reality are you talking about or for?
So exactly what I said without the flowery prose.

Also, repeating a mantra makes it real in the mind. So having a mantra of 'nothing matters' won't lead to a nuanced defence mechanism, it'll lead to you not caring about anything.

You shouldn't spend any time worrying about me becoming an uncaring sociopathic deluded lying stupid brute of a human, i'm quite fine thank you.
If i'm making up my own philosophy for my own life, how on earth can it be flawed?? It must be 100% correct since it's by me for me.

And you accuse me of being arrogant!

You should become a solipsist. It'd suit your whole worldview.
On the internet it's the default mode of existance. I have no idea if the people I'm talking to are real or not. Best to assume they're all just appearances, and will eventually go away.
And you accuse me of being arrogant!

You should become a solipsist. It'd suit your whole worldview.

Did you happen to notice that this was a reply to dillinger? Did you bother to see what he had said that i was replying to? Did you notice that the offending sentence was a conditional?

And it's most unlikely that one can be wrong when saying to a briton that he is arrogant.

I don't need to be any ist, and avoid isms totally. I don't want to follow anybody else, nor do i want to be unintelligent enough to rely upon believing others. My life is a journey, end of. We are all dots on the landscape of time, and are totally inconsequential to the universe. If you want humans to verify other humans' worth, then that's fine by me. But far as i'm concerned we're of no worth, yet simultaneously of immense worth and wealth. We're insignificant, yet equally we're significant. We are both a part of life and all of it. And since you've mentioned it, i'm consistently inconsistent, and that keeps life exciting for me.

In the grand scheme of things and the universe, nothing matters and everything matters. Now, keep your isms to yourself man, i have no time for them!
On the internet it's the default mode of existance. I have no idea if the people I'm talking to are real or not. Best to assume they're all just appearances, and will eventually go away.

They act as symbols of your own projections in life. They should be there to help you understand yourself better. But it seems to me from your various and frequent declarations that you've already done all the knowing and understanding there is to be done about the world, so perhaps you're communicating on this website with statues or mummies... after all, full knowledge and understanding is perfection, and is therefore death.

If they're not real, what are they, aliens? And you have no idea? None, not even a little bit?
I don't want to follow anybody else, nor do i want to be unintelligent enough to rely upon believing others.

Oh dear. You still don't get it, do you? By pursuing your innately flawed approach to looking at the world, you are completely incapable of self-correction - how can it be flawed if it's by me and for me? Fucks sake.

Not only that, but you can't even be honest with yourself. Remember the meditation thread, where it was pointed out to you that Fromm was a philosopher? This after you said you 'Don't read philosophers'.

The reason you think you 'avoid isms totally' is because you don't know when you're actually expressing an 'ism'.
But it seems to me from your various and frequent declarations that you've already done all the knowing and understanding there is to be done about the world

When have I ever said this.
Kyser, your two last posts strongly suggest to me you should give up and do what you informed others of recently, and that is to just ignore me. You are so way off the mark, while simultaneously being of total certainty that you're correct when it comes to psycho-analysing me (fromm's occupation, not philosopher) and my writings. How can someone be so far wrong, yet believe themselves to be so right??
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