Well-Known Member
You're a workfareist then. They'll all do, I wouldn't worry too much about which one you vote for.
Workfareist? A definition please, or more explanation. Sorry not very good at this politics lark.
You're a workfareist then. They'll all do, I wouldn't worry too much about which one you vote for.
Workfareist? A definition please, or more explanation. Sorry not very good at this politics lark.
Hmmm . I think personal freedom is more important and inequality is natural, but is something wish should strive against. Even if it is natural.
Well, would you agree with this, say: "people who are out of work for no fault of their own should be given the dole, that's fair enough, or if they're off sick - properly off sick mind you. But if they just don't want to get a job, that's a problem, and if there are jobs out there we shouldn't give them any money if they don't take them".
So your against National service then. Makes you a Tory in my book.
If people are able to work they should work. However, we need to define who is capable of working. For example a mentally ill person with no confidence, who is capable of working should be given money and help with there problem, with a view to actually return to work eventually.
Well I'm against forced National Service yes. It should be an option of choice to serve the country.
the point is who you think *shouldn't* be given any money
If someone who has no problems is capable of working then yes they should be working and not be allowed to claim. Unless, they are actively seeking work.
Taxation that pays into free education, welfare and healthcare.
I know I'm confused, that's why I'm asking all these questions.
But what if people havent paid any tax, should they still get it?
i think you should refrain from concerns about how you come across politically.
Conservative party liberal? Is this a new thing explain that to me.
Thanks I'll take a look.
Seems to me I'm a tory!!! Golly!
I suggest you ask ShevekI'm not sure where I fit in politically.
So I describe myself as a Conservative Liberal, is there such a thing or does such a description lie elsewhere?
Would do you mean by a workfore one?