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Identify the perfume brand from an inadequate description of the packaging

Maurice Picarda

Actually, might as well flounce.
My wife's birthday is next week and this means that besides taking her to a Harvester and finding £3.50 for a book token, I have to help Goneril and Regan buy presents for their mum.

Regan wants to surprise Mrs P with some perfume that she vividly recalls her trying in an airport duty free. The child may be only five, and she may be very hazy on days of the week, and of very limited literacy, but her memory for anything to do with shoes, cosmetics and so on is formidable. So I'm willing to trust her instincts.

All she can say with any confidence, though, is that it was in a blue, round bottle surrounded with silver streaks or swirls. Can anyone think of a perfume brand fitting this description?
Sounds like it could be Paul Smith :confused:

Can she remember what it smells like? Take her to a fairly big Boots (IIRC the one in Bond Street has a big perfume section) and see if it's there.
Actually I can kind of picture a blue swirly perfume and it's not Paul Smith :facepalm: hold on..
When she says round, does she mean round like a ball, or round like a bottle? E.g. (for illustrative purposes only)

Round like a bottle


Round like a ball


Also round like a bottle


Not really round but mght be described as such by a 5 year old


Can you get her to point out which shape it was most like?
I think round like a ball. She cupped her hands and indicated a sphere. She also said that it was in a "cuboid box": they teach them shapes early these days, but I don't entirely trust her to get them right - it might as well have been dodecahedral.
Lolita Lempicka


There is a variation with swirls that are more silver than gold.
When she says round, does she mean round like a ball, or round like a bottle? E.g. (for illustrative purposes only)

Round like a bottle


Round like a ball


I was just going to suggest DKNY. My sister bought me it for Christmas. I hated it and gave it back to her!
Bugger. No, it's dots in swirls, swirly dots. And the shape is more precisely oval. Colour is still blue. Nothing on this thread, and we went through 13 pages of perfume bottle images on fragrancedirect.co.uk, the wretched thing remaining elusive.

Right, she can have Tweed by Lentheric. I remember my grandmother having a bottle of that in the early 80s so it must be a timeless classic.
If she was trying it in the duty free and didn't buy it, maybe she didn't like it?
If she was trying it in the duty free and didn't buy it, maybe she didn't like it?

That's not a bad point, but it's more about making Regan happy than Sybil. Delighting five year olds is both easier and more rewarding than cheering up sour, jaded people in their late 30s. And I don't really care what the woman smells like.
So we went all the way to Fenwicks and Goneril and I trotted round a purposeful Regan who gave every single bottle in the cosmetics department a very hard stare. Eventually she tracked down Britney Spear's Circus Fantasy, reduced to £13.99 for a litre, and pointed it out with a cry of delight.


Oh well. Goneril got her some Kenzo stuff which will probably be acceptable.
Oh my word, I have never heard of buying perfume by the litre! That price looks more like what you will be paying for petrol soon. It cannot be good. I hope the £3.50 book token hits the spot. Perhaps she could get a newspaper colour supplement with it.
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