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Ian Tomlinson RIP - thread to collate eyewitness statements and accounts

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Dated: 3/4/09

The allegations were made after the widow of the man today lead a march for her partner who she said “died for the crimes of capitalism.”

In a statement made on behalf of the dead man's wife, witnesses were urged to come forward and give statements to expose what was called “the failures of both the police and members of the media in the accurate reporting of yesterdays incident.”

Link: http://www.salfordonline.com/editorschoice.php?func=viewdetails&vdetails=12318

Don't back down now people.
Even had he had died of an heart attacked which I'm sure the police are breathing a sigh of relief. This does not mean the events of the day should be over looked it appears that he fallen and banged his head in some way or other within the cordon and the police gave him no treatment until it was too late. Every bit of his movement should be tracked to confirm what time he attended the protest willingly or unwillingly, his movements, how and why he fell, in the first place, were missiles thrown at the time at the treatment stage within the cordon, did he recover?, did he walked 200 yards before collapsing again?

There so many question unanswered this doesn't not mean that it should be brushed under the carpet because he had an Heart Attack.
is there a coroners report out yet?
The Coroner would have to open an Inquest and then adjourn it while the facts are gathered/questions prepared etc.
Then hold the actual Inquest at a future date and after the Inquest or at the end of it provide the findings/results/verdict. (At least that was the process when my Father died)
Should we bother get to the truth in this? Or should we continue? it's clear she looking for someone to blame but it an't the Police so we won't get thanked for it if we did. I'm slightly peed off by this but it has been said that he been divorced from his wife so is this his divorced wife or his second wife or was the Divorced comment was made wrong by the media/police team in first place?
Should we bother get to the truth in this? Or should we continue? it's clear she looking for someone to blame but it an't the Police so we won't get thanked for it if we did. I'm slightly peed off by this but it has been said that he been divorced from his wife so is this his divorced wife or his second wife or was the Divorced comment was made wrong by the media/police team in first place?

Yes we should and from what ive been told there is a truth to be told, from what people who was there, people who saw direct what happend there is a truth, look i aint going to make comments that will detract from the calls of a full investigation of the events..

But fact police have killed people in the past, and we do not know if they did here, of course the media are going to spin there lies and missinformation, shame the hounds have come out on this post and joined in with the missinformation, lets stick to facts shall we, a man died and we at least owe him and those who knoew him loved him, the truth of what happened, the aim of this post.
There's some pretty damning stuff in there:
The man who died during last week's G20 protests was "assaulted" by riot police shortly before he suffered a heart attack, according to witness statements received by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Investigators are examining a series of corroborative accounts that allege Ian Tomlinson, 47, was a victim of police violence in the moments before he collapsed near the Bank of England in the City of London last Wednesday evening. Three witnesses have told the Observer that Mr Tomlinson was attacked violently as he made his way home from work at a nearby newsagents. One claims he was struck on the head with a baton.

Photographer Anna Branthwaite said: "I can remember seeing Ian Tomlinson. He was rushed from behind by a riot officer with a helmet and shield two or three minutes before he collapsed." Branthwaite, an experienced press photographer, has made a statement to the IPCC.

Another independent statement supports allegations of police violence. Amiri Howe, 24, recalled seeing Mr Tomlinson being hit "near the head" with a police baton. Howe took one of a sequence of photographs that show a clearly dazed Mr Tomlinson being helped by a bystander.
A female protester, who does not want to be named but has given her testimony to the IPCC, said she saw a man she later recognised as Tomlinson being pushed aggressively from behind by officers. "I saw a man violently propelled forward, as though he'd been flung by the arm, and fall forward on his head.
"He hit the top front area of his head on the pavement. I noticed his fall particularly because it struck me as a horrifically forceful push by a policeman and an especially hard fall; it made me wince."
Icon_article Published: Thursday 02 April 2009 21:10 by Imc London

Tagged as: g20 tomlinson witnesses
Neighbourhoods: bank city_of_london cornhill



Various participants in the City of London demonstrations on April 1st have come forward as witnesses to the collapse of a man later identified by authorities as Ian Tomlinson. Four different university students witnessed the collapse of Mr. Tomlinson. "He stumbled towards us from the direction of police and protestors and collapsed," said Peter Apps. "I saw a demonstrator who was a first aider attend to the person who had collapsed. The man was late 40s, had tattoos on his hands, and was wearing a Millwall shirt."

While the first aider was helping the man, another demonstrator with a megaphone was calling the police over so that they could help.

Natalie Langford, a student at Queen Mary, said "there was a police charge. A lot of people ran in our direction. The woman giving first aid stood in the path of the crowd." The running people, seeing a guy on the ground, went around them.

Another demonstrator had already called 999 and was getting medical advice from the ambulance dispatcher. "Four police with two police medics came. They told her [the first aider] to 'move along'.", said Peter Apps. "Then they pushed her forcibly away from him. They refused to listen to her [the first aider] when she tried to explain his condition."

The first aider, who did not wish to be named, said "The police surrounded the collapsed man. I was standing with the person who'd called 999. The ambulance dispatcher wanted to talk to the police, the phone was being held out to them, but the police refused."

Another witness, Elias Stoakes, added "we didn't see them [the police] perform CPR."

Other people who had tried to stay with the collapsed man were also pushed away.

All of the witnesses deny the allegation that many missiles were thrown.

According to Peter Apps, "one bottle was thrown, but it didn't come close to the police. Nothing was thrown afterwards as other demonstrators told the person to stop. The person who threw the bottle probably didn't realize that someone was behind the ring of police." All the witnesses said that the demonstrators were concerned for the well-being of the collapsed man once they realized that there was an injured person.

Natalie Langford said "when the ambulance arrived the protestors got straight out of the way."

These witnesses are happy to give media statements.

Link to follow, when i get it.
been trawling the web and found this comment posted on Lenin's tomb

My boss (yes, a senior manager at the bank I work at!) went over last night to see what was going on. He literally was next to the man who collapsed and died. He swears NO ONE was throwing a thing. And that the reason the police couldn't get to the guy was because the cops were using dogs against the protesters and the protesters were running away from them (towards where the guy was). Now interestingly, my boss said the guy looked about 50. The man who died went to the ground and started convulsing. So he seemed to think it was natural causes. But other than that bit, every single thing the police have said is wrong.

I will ask my boss to contact the solicitors, as he is a senior manager at the bank and a very unimpeachable source (in that the police can't say he was involved in any way or had any sympathies to the protestors - they can't just brush him off). But I won't hold my breath. He's a good man, but it may be too difficult for him to do (i.e. to stand up).
InTheCity | 2 Apr, 13:40 |

eta: found via http://greenerblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/ian-tomlinson-what-happened.html
^ also quoted on that blog -
from http://www.thelondonpaper.com/thelo...ping-them-like-animals-without-food-and-water
Another protester, who refused to give her name, said she was with the dead man shortly before he died.
She said they were being chased by police dogs when the man in his 30s tripped and hit his head on the pavement at about 7.30pm.
She said: “Police dogs chased us all over London. We were running for about half-an-hour before the guy fell.
“We saw paramedics try to treat him. They said he was ok and he tried to get up but fell over again.”
Front page of the Guardian now:


Dramatic footage obtained by the Guardian shows that the man who died at last week's G20 protests in London was attacked from behind and thrown to the ground by a baton–wielding police officer in riot gear.Moments after the assault on Ian Tomlinson was captured on video, he suffered a heart attack and died.
The Guardian is preparing to hand a dossier of evidence to the police complaints watchdog, shedding new light on the events surrounding the death of the 47-year-old newspaper seller, who had been on his way home from work when he was confronted by lines of riot police near the Bank of England.

Video at the bottom of the page. This is serious.
That video footage is fucking disgraceful. That officer essentially assaulted Tomlinson.

Bit by bit the police lies are unravelling and that cop should be up for manslaughter.
That video footage is fucking disgraceful. That officer essentially assaulted Tomlinson.

Bit by bit the police lies are unravelling and that cop should be up for manslaughter.

I'd refer you to what the police statements actually said (with regards to your "lies" comment) if this was a more appropriate time, but the footage really is disgraceful and its difficult, if not impossible, to even begin to see how that was justified.

It is also somewhat disturbing to see that the cop also doesnt appear to have his numbers visible, has no gloves on, no shield, is holding his baton like a thug and appears to go straight for Tomlinson.

edit: its also amazing that that isnt the first or second item on the news.
You can see that that policeman really means business. Even as Tomlinson is falling the cop is still in the crouched position after making his push on the victim. That was no attempt to get him to just walk out of the way more quickly, he meant him to hit the ground hard.

Will the police now close ranks and refuse to identify which one it was that did the push?
They won't refuse. What they'll do is say that they didn't recognise him, different force etc etc. Same effect.

If they intended anything different, they'd have come forward before now.
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