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COP 21 reportage and political discussion thread (not climate change discussion generally)

I don't count the success of a demo by its size. Leave that to the trots.

NVDA in small affinity groups doing media friendly stunts will make the papers and inspire others.

I hear there's been lots of people there for a while.

This is an opportunity to energise the movement (it's not my fight by I'm a supporter). The A to B marches inspire few people and depress many more.

Not wanting this to degenerate into an "I said this/you said that" kinda thing, but I think those points aren't that related to my concerns, nor are a particularly useful analysis of what's going on IMO.

And while I'm here: I don't count success as simply about numbers, but to deny numbers are important is foolish. Small affinity groups doing media friendly stunts can equally not make the papers and disempower others. I'm not arguing for an A to B march am I?

Anyway, we'll see what happens in the coming weeks.
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A to B marches are the only thing the 'moderates' and NGOs you mentioned will participate in. You put value on that.

Things will kick off on big marches like that. I remember when the anticapitalist European actions were at there peak. The world wildlife fund, elderly Christian groups and all sorts were getting tear gasses with everyone else. I fact there is more likely to be violence on those marches than at the direct actions that will happen.
A to B marches are the only thing the 'moderates' and NGOs you mentioned will participate in. You put value on that.

That's not all they're doing. And yeah to some extent I do put value on a broad based movement with a variety of people doing a variety of things.

Anyway, I don't mean to be as antagonistic as I might be seeming. :) I do hope things go well, CC is an absolutely critical issue.
Are there any plans for additional marches in different countries? I'd be up for going to Westminster, no way can get to Paris
Kudos to Hollande, Hidalgo, Valls et al for going ahead with it all as planned after the last fortnight.

Let's just hope that something worthwhile comes out of it all, although I won't hold my breath.
OCCUPY_friday: Australia's #ClimateAngels place themselves between French riot cops & #COP21 protesters

#auspol @ClimateGuardia

Inserting even more moral religious toned drivel into the debate is not really to be encouraged IMO.

And IME those people dressed as angels are exactly the type of liberals that start bleating at the first sign of anything that isn't some 'media friendly' symbolic protest.

But I admit I could be thought of as a bit of a miserablist.
Another demo on Saturday, with the floods oop North and the smog in India and China seems like a good time to stand up and try and get governments to listen.

Well aware they probably won't.
You would hope that, although not champions of the concept, the Saudis et al may get overridden by democracy. Hope, but not expect.
It's been very, very quiet for coverage of any protests or actions hasn't it? Wonder what's been going on.
I get so frustrated by the discussions of historical, future and current responsibilities and emissions. Fuck economic competition; surely this issue stomps all over it.
Anyone got any thoughts on the agreement? Looks like a lot of hot air to me... Is there anything there with teeth?
As far as I can tell, it's a target without agreement on any realistic mechanism for achieving that target.

I mean it's nice that they have a target, but ...
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