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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

So, if I'm advised by a very experienced solicitor, that complaining about being punched in the head, by a police officer, during a demo, will likely result in them trawling all the video footage collected by the FIT team present that day, to see if there is anything they can charge me with, then, quite possibly targeting me in future, in any area of my life, makes me part of the problem?
If there is nothing for them to find there is no problem ... if, as you imply, there is then tough - play big boys games and you'll get hurt ...
I suspect that's a convenient 'get out' which extends to anyone [police officer or otherwise] who witnesses something that could be an uncomfortable truth for the force concerned.
So your spur of the moment conclusions, based on partial information and with no regard whatsoever for any explanation or facts that might be unknown to you, and no doubt driven by your own prejudices are absolutely, totally and definitively a statement that something was unlawful ... what the fuck makes you so fucking arrogant that you are able to mysteriously discern the fucking absolute truth ... :rolleyes:
So your spur of the moment conclusions, based on partial information and with no regard whatsoever for any explanation or facts that might be unknown to you, and no doubt driven by your own prejudices are absolutely, totally and definitively a statement that something was unlawful ... what the fuck makes you so fucking arrogant that you are able to mysteriously discern the fucking absolute truth ... :rolleyes:

Could you quit the aggressive and abusive tone please. I've afforded you the courtesy of not calling you names or personalising my posts, I'd be grateful if you could control yourself sufficiently to do the same.

I haven't suggested that I am able to discern the absolute truth, in the absence of other information/evidence. You're putting words into my mouth, and I'd rather you didn't. I am, however, suggesting that the police, as individuals, and as an organisation, have a strong culture of loyalty, and will do what they can to protect themselves, individually and collectively. I also believe that the police, as a powerful tool of the state, are protected in a way that ordinary members of the public aren't. I believe this is particularly true in situations such as demonstrations where the police are protected by the state in a variety of ways.

detective_boy said:
If there is nothing for them to find there is no problem ... if, as you imply, there is then tough - play big boys games and you'll get hurt ...

So the police are the big boys eh?

So, are you saying I should expect, and accept, that if I have the temerity to complain about being assaulted at a demo, the fact I was there, is enough to warrant subsequent police attention into other areas of my life?

And you suggest it is me that is arrogant?

If there is nothing for them to find there is no problem ... if, as you imply, there is then tough - play big boys games and you'll get hurt ...

That's what they said to Ian Tomlinson. Oh no, they didn't. What great insight into the mentality of policing demos though.

Who've you hurt then detective boy?
Yes, perhaps db would like to put his tax returns and income details up on u75 for general checking - if he's got nothing to hide then he's got nothing to fear. Or perhaps the names and addresses of anyone who's ever made a complaint about him - again, if he's got nothing to hide then he's got nothing to fear.

He's always complaining about *something* on urban so he's clearly in playing with the big boys now.
If there is nothing for them to find there is no problem ... if, as you imply, there is then tough - play big boys games and you'll get hurt ...
and whilst i'm at it, exercising the right to peaceful protest, and expecting the ;police not to behave like bootboys is 'playing big boys games'? really??
I am astonished - I thought it was called 'democracy and fundamental human rights', myself.
Because I believe in calling a spade a spade and a cunt a cunt.

no you don't. you constantly obfuscate and blather about how something like causing a man's death is not something the police can be held accountable for, whether that's accountable by being put in front of a court, facing disciplinary charges or any other way. you are not open, you're not forthright, you're always sneaking around the edges and posting up guff.
If there is nothing for them to find there is no problem ... if, as you imply, there is then tough - play big boys games and you'll get hurt ...

Actually, I'd like to know, where in my previous post I implied I had something to hide. I was merely objecting to the idea that a complaint against a police officer would elicit an unwarranted invasion into my life.

There was no evidence, in my post, of any such thing; now who's drawing conclusions based on absolutely sweet fuck all?

in my view, the police use this as a tactic for deterring people from complaining about them, which in turn leaves them believing they can act with impunity in such situations.

It really isn't a very difficult concept to grasp.
Actually, I'd like to know, where in my previous post I implied I had something to hide. I was merely objecting to the idea that a complaint against a police officer would elicit an unwarranted invasion into my life.

There was no evidence, in my post, of any such thing; now who's drawing conclusions based on absolutely sweet fuck all?

in my view, the police use this as a tactic for deterring people from complaining about them, which in turn leaves them believing they can act with impunity in such situations.

It really isn't a very difficult concept to grasp.

...but if you don't complain then you're as guilty as the copper doing the bad thing. Round we go.
So, are you saying I should expect, and accept, that if I have the temerity to complain about being assaulted at a demo, the fact I was there, is enough to warrant subsequent police attention into other areas of my life?
I was saying that if you were acting unlawfully earlier (which is implied by the fact that you are worried that they will go looking through any footage to see if you were ...) then it goes with the territory.
I think you will find that it is YOU who is attributing a racist meaning to a well-known and entirely non-racist saying ... :rolleyes:

It's not entirely non-racist you halfwitted goon - there's an obvious connotation and the term can certainly be misused. Language can be ambiguous, no matter how much you shout and roll your eyes at people.

I'd urge you to take a little more care with your language. After all, you're the prize prannet who got on your high horse about the use of drama queen iirc. The hypocrisy grates a little.
Does anyone recollect what the stupid fat ex pig cunt now does for a living? Is it some sort of cuntsultant?

I was saying that if you were acting unlawfully earlier (which is implied by the fact that you are worried that they will go looking through any footage to see if you were ...) then it goes with the territory.

How on earth have you concluded I was worried, from what I wrote in my original post? Unsurprised, yes, worried, no.

For someone who aggressively accuses others of drawing inaccurate conclusions, I'd suggest you'd do well to take a moment to reflect on your own behaviour. Moreover, I'd go further and suggest much of what you write is classic projection.

Whether I was acting unlawfully or not (and I wasn't, I was trying to leave an area to avoid being kettled), the notion that police can then delve into other areas of my life leaves me thinking they believe they can behave with impunity, particularly with people who exercise their right to dissent/protest. I presume they do this in order to offset my allegation with something that will undermine my credibility or provide the opportunity to charge me with something, probably very minor, that would otherwise be ignored, again, to undermine my allegation, or to get me to withdraw it.

The tactics of bullies, who know they can get away with bullying, as their paymasters will ensure they are not held to account in any meaningful way.
So the pig criticises victims of police violence for not making official complaints while admitting there is a real threat of intimidation against victims of police violence not to complain. The police are never to blame, it seems.

If there is nothing for them to find there is no problem ... if, as you imply, there is then tough - play big boys games and you'll get hurt ...

If there's "nothing to find", they will publicly make something up then quietly slip it under the rug when the media aren't watching anymore. They can get away with it, because they're "the big boys". Those poor bastards who need protecting from the evil general public walking away from them.
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