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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

I'm just prodding him for a laugh 'cos he's so easy to wind up. Although db certainly isn't averse to having a go at people for no reason. In fact, I could probably have made a reasonable case for him libelling me a while ago, by saying I believe "ACAB" when I don't - given my work at the time in criminal justice and drug treatment. However, I'm not that pompous or precious.
I'm not trolling db. I'm winding you up. There is a difference. FYI I have been banned for breaching the FAQ in the past.
Yeah, don't do that.
what's good for the goose and all that....

see the Tories to hire in credit firms to root out 'benefit cheats' thread where DB has no compunction to wading in with personal insults and abuse. he's the most potty mouthed poster on here tbf.
I wonder how many officers view the general public in a similar one dimensional manner?
But it's not viewing "the public" in a one dimensional manner is it?

It's not even viewing U75 posters in a one dimensional manner.

It's identifying the fact that there is a subset who behave in exactly the same way, seem to share the same views and spend most of their time in a self-congratulatory circle jerk. Which there is, whether you like to acknowledge it or not. :rolleyes:
But it's not viewing "the public" in a one dimensional manner is it?

It's not even viewing U75 posters in a one dimensional manner.

It's identifying the fact that there is a subset who behave in exactly the same way, seem to share the same views and spend most of their time in a self-congratulatory circle jerk. Which there is, whether you like to acknowledge it or not. :rolleyes:

you're paranoid
But it's not viewing "the public" in a one dimensional manner is it?

It's not even viewing U75 posters in a one dimensional manner.

It's identifying the fact that there is a subset who behave in exactly the same way, seem to share the same views and spend most of their time in a self-congratulatory circle jerk. Which there is, whether you like to acknowledge it or not. :rolleyes:

Im sure many police have their own "subsets" of the general public.....

You included me in your "subset" (whilst also managing a torrent of abuse and sexism) despite the fact id managed to disagree with you without feeling the need to immitate your base behaviour or claim that you were "just like all those other officers".

If you want people to respond to the high standards of thought and behaviour you expect, you're best off starting by looking at your own behaviour. The fact you're acting this way as an ex officer of some rank, merely reduces the value of what you say. And yes, i know it can be hard dealing with people who disagree with you or antagonise you, but im sure it's easier than dealing with people who act the same way in real life - and i bet you managed to get through the day without insulting them, right?
The reason I don’t like the gratuitous abuse is because it gets in the way of the actual topic. As remarked above, Kaka Tim’s post got to the heart of it - most after that is just a distraction.

As to displaying numbers, I agree with whoever compared it to going out tooled up for burglary. Any that weren’t wearing numbers identified as hitting someone who had not directly threatened them should be charged with assault, just like other thugs out for a pissed Saturday night brawl. You either allow the sort of person who enjoys that sort of shit to be given the privileges that the police enjoy, or you don’t.

Apart from Tomlinson (and of course the photo of the police medic giving nearby demonstrators their treatment), the event that I particularly recall about the G20 protests was the statement from a woman who was part of the good natured crowd of the environmental protest later on in the day - large contingent of women and children. She they were ringed by police and one copper casually said to her with a bit of a smile ‘we’ve got a surprise for you in half an hour’. Thirty minutes later the police waded in with the batons, no provocation. That just reminds me of Germany in the 1930s. The cunt (and not a word I often use) who gave that particular order along with the officers and men who did the baton charge should be out of the force and up before criminal investigations and juries for abh. That's the place for them to plead that they were only obeying orders.

What we should have had was a public inquiry into the policing. Without that, it’s telling us as british citizens exactly what we get if we don’t stay in line. If you don’t hold any of the police to account for that day, you’re teaching a whole new generation of people that they shouldn’t trust the police and they shouldn’t trust the government that allows it.

Oh, hold on a minute …. :)
But it's not viewing "the public" in a one dimensional manner is it?

It's not even viewing U75 posters in a one dimensional manner.

It's identifying the fact that there is a subset who behave in exactly the same way, seem to share the same views and spend most of their time in a self-congratulatory circle jerk. Which there is, whether you like to acknowledge it or not. :rolleyes:
i think what you mean is there are a number of people who piss you off and you find it easier to view the world through the prism of a manichean duality than to acknowledge that people can disagree with you without being part of a conspiracy against you.

edited to add: you don't need to be a psychologist to see something concerning about the constant sexual nature of detective-boy's insults, with his constant "you're a cunt", "throwing some fucks" into people, blathering on about circle jerks...
Just been re-reading a lot of this thread and this post is the best so far.

For those who want to know, "The Victimised State and the Mystification of Social Harm" by Joe Sim, chapter 8 in a book called "Beyond Criminology: Taking Harm seriously edited by Hillyard, Pantazis, Tombs and Gordon (Pluto press, 2004) outlines the facts of state & police protection of the police and so on, it explains how and why it does it too.

what i appreciate about your posts is the way in which you always relate things to people's everyday experiences and never hide behind a veil of academic jargon :)
I can't fucking stand these threads. DB throwing the fucks around, his detractors goading him on. Makes me want to ban you all and delete the thread. Grow up, everyone.

from what you say the instigator of these spats - and you seem to identify him - is the root of the problem.
Apart from Tomlinson (and of course the photo of the police medic giving nearby demonstrators their treatment), the event that I particularly recall about the G20 protests was the statement from a woman who was part of the good natured crowd of the environmental protest later on in the day - large contingent of women and children. She they were ringed by police and one copper casually said to her with a bit of a smile ‘we’ve got a surprise for you in half an hour’. Thirty minutes later the police waded in with the batons, no provocation. That just reminds me of Germany in the 1930s. The cunt (and not a word I often use) who gave that particular order along with the officers and men who did the baton charge should be out of the force and up before criminal investigations and juries for abh. That's the place for them to plead that they were only obeying orders.
I quite agree.

I take it you complained and / or assisted her to do so ...
*puts hand up*

oooh miss miss, go look in that persons things, they've been naughty. :rolleyes:

Shit stirring cunt.
*puts hand up*

oooh miss miss, go look in that persons things, they've been naughty. :rolleyes:

Shit stirring cunt.

You're no fucking angel

Seriously, this thread and others like it are one of the worst kinds. Just circular abuse and preconceptions and fights to the death over minutiae. Pathetic.
I may bo no angel, but I ain't a grass either.

Butyou have a point, this thread isn't a pretty one. I had ducked out of it, but I just couldn't let that level of blatent coppery go by without saying cunt. (sorry)
You're no fucking angel

Seriously, this thread and others like it are one of the worst kinds. Just circular abuse and preconceptions and fights to the death over minutiae. Pathetic.
well there's a surprise now. cops get off scot free with killing someone and the thread becomes argumentative to say the least....now, i wonder why ever that could be...
You're no fucking angel

Seriously, this thread and others like it are one of the worst kinds. Just circular abuse and preconceptions and fights to the death over minutiae. Pathetic.

Oh come on, there's no more real discussion to be had on this thread.
yeah, we all know a dirty cop got off with killing an innocent man, due to a dirty corrupt system. There isn't much more to add.
actually, this thread has been highly interesting, because it has revealed - with DB's help - the ever-growing, ever-more-toxic disconnect at the heart of our system of 'justice' in this country. Legalistically, and in practical terms, virtually everything that D-B has said has been absolutely right, and sensible. However, morally, in terms of what meets most of our deep-seated instincts as to what is right, there is a huge chasm; the Law is not doing what it should, from the POV of the Man On The Clapham Omnibus, which is the most worrying thing opf all.
If you prersented a wide cross-section of the public with the facts of this tragic, horrible matter, and asked them whether they felt Justice had been done over this, or that Tomlinson's family had got justice, the answer - I am absolutely convinced - would be a loud, resounding 'no'.
(Yes, I trust that public's instincts. They came befcore our current legal set-up).
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