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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

Nah - they just want as much compensation as they can possibly blag.

"A somewhat sad and shabby figure, he drank heavily and was estranged from his wife and family. He had been homeless for a while, but on the day of his death was heading for a hostel near Smithfield market." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/philipjohnston/5126464/G20-death-How-can-we-trust-the-police-now.html

Aw bless - they cared for him so much they couldn't give a toss where he slept.
I'll be happy to furnish the family with your full contact details should they decide to pursue a case of libel against your foul words.
Well the first post mortem was carried out by Dr Freddy Patel, a doctor currently facing charges of misconduct in 4 other post mortems and currently barred from performing autopsies in cases of suspicious deaths.

Yes, he seems to have an unfortunate habit of concluding death was accidental or misadventure when it was quite obviously murder. I should imagine that it was pure coincidence that some of the victims were prostitutes and/or drug users. Perhaps he thought that they wern't real people so not worthy of further investigation.

This is british justice. Three attempted fit-ups for PC Blakelock and nothing for Tomlinson except a smear campaign, lies and distortions.
Ok. And the CPS have said that a link can't be proved between the baton strike and the internal bleeding?

I've got no detail, I'm at work just reading the BBC ticker.

No, the CPS concluded, as the BBC make clear there was "no realistic prospect of conviction". They don't say anywhere, according to the BBC as yet, that a link can't be proved.
Hands up who is supprised one little fucking bit?

The police can do what the fuck they like, including manslaughter. The fucking murdering scum cunts. I hope this fucking wanker dies a slow, painful, lonely death.
No, the CPS concluded, as the BBC make clear there was "no realistic prospect of conviction". They don't say anywhere, according to the BBC as yet, that a link can't be proved.

Ok, I definitely read earlier, when Keir Starmer was on live, something along the lines of "can't prove a link between the assault and death".
Yes, it's on again now. That's precisely what they're saying.

This is in the article....
Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer said there was no realistic prospect of conviction.

The incident and its aftermath was caught on video.

Mr Starmer said that there was a "sharp disagreement between the medical experts" about the cause of death, which led to three post-mortem examinations being conducted on Mr Tomlinson.

The third post mortem is not public knowledge, why? So we have a possibly soon to be discredited doctor, disagreeing with a professional colleague. The third post mortem we may never know. Justice not being done or being seen to be done as some 'evidence' is not in the public domain. If in the future Freddy Patel is charged with misconduct over this post mortem will that mean charges can be brought? If Patel is found guilty of musconduct over the 4 autopsies he is already facing charges for will that change anything? It stinks.....
No, the CPS concluded, as the BBC make clear there was "no realistic prospect of conviction". They don't say anywhere, according to the BBC as yet, that a link can't be proved.
there's no realistic chance of prosecution cos the fuckers won't take it to court and let a jury decide.
at the very least they should make public the officers notes justifying his use of force on Tomlinson. If there is no legal justification for his actions, then there is no reason not to charge him with something.
Yes, he seems to have an unfortunate habit of concluding death was accidental or misadventure when it was quite obviously murder. I should imagine that it was pure coincidence that some of the victims were prostitutes and/or drug users. Perhaps he thought that they wern't real people so not worthy of further investigation.

And of course, pure coincidence that he was asked to conduct the first autopsy in the first place.

The Guardian writes that Patel's work had come under scrutiny before. He qualified as a doctor at the University of Zambia in 1974, and was registered to practice in the UK in 1988.[46] In 1999, he was reprimanded by the General Medical Council for releasing to reporters medical details about Roger Sylvester, a black man who had died in police custody; Patel told reporters that Sylvester was a crack cocaine user, something his family denied. In 2002, the police dropped a criminal inquiry because Patel said the victim, Sally White, had died of a heart attack with no signs of violence, though she was reportedly found naked with bruising to her body, an injury to her head, and a bite mark on her thigh. Anthony Hardy, a mentally ill alcoholic who lived in the flat in which her body was found locked in a bedroom, later murdered two women and placed their body parts in bin bags. In response to the criticism, Patel said the GMC reprimand was a long time ago, and that his findings in the Sally White case had not been contested.[51] The Sunday Telegraph reported in July 2009 that Patel had been suspended from the government's register of pathologists, pending an inquiry,[52] and in July 2010 he faced a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing regarding disputes autopsies in four other cases.[46]


Bent as fuck.
Nah - they just want as much compensation as they can possibly blag.

"A somewhat sad and shabby figure, he drank heavily and was estranged from his wife and family. He had been homeless for a while, but on the day of his death was heading for a hostel near Smithfield market." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/philipjohnston/5126464/G20-death-How-can-we-trust-the-police-now.html

Aw bless - they cared for him so much they couldn't give a toss where he slept.

What a cunt you are. Get cancer soon eh? Useless eater.
oh the pet pathologist was a total police tool. This was well covered at the time. I'd go so far as to assume that the met were used to telling this pathologist what his findings were to be and him used to following through on his instructions.

Of course there is no evidence to suggest money changing hands but I would not be at all suprised.
One of the most absurd decisions I can ever remember from the CPS. They have hidden behind the reasonable likelihood part of the Full Code Test and ignored every other part of it.
No reason why the Tomlinson family - or other persons - can't bring a private prosecution, is there?

None whatsoever, except affordability, and I suspect that there are a few good lawyers (a few do exist!) waiting in the wings to take this forward if the family wish to.
It's isn't just an appalling stitch up, it's taking the family and entire public to be mugs. To treat everyone as irrelevant cunts and to just not a give a flying fuck for what anyone else thinks.
I thought that was what a trial and jury were there for? Who made him the judge and jury? :confused:

The CPS don't prosecute unless there's an approximately 50% chance of conviction. Public funds etc etc. I'd have thought public interest would override that consideration in this case though. Shockingly bad decision.

If the CPS successfully prosecutes the officer over Tomlinson's death he would become the first British police officer ever convicted for manslaughter committed while on duty. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

Never gonna happen - not this time, not next time, not until the streets erupt in a hellish fury which refuses to be subdued. And probably not even then.
I think the pov of the CPS is whoever they put up for prosecution on whatever charges, a London jury would find him guilty of all charges before the opening speeches had concluded.
It's isn't just an appalling stitch up, it's taking the family and entire public to be mugs. To treat everyone as irrelevant cunts and to just not a give a flying fuck for what anyone else thinks.

If nothing else, it's an incredibly bad public relations move by "the establishment".
so thats 'waving a drinks carton at a copper: A beating

Walking home from work during a protest: death.
This is in the article....

The third post mortem is not public knowledge, why? So we have a possibly soon to be discredited doctor, disagreeing with a professional colleague. The third post mortem we may never know. Justice not being done or being seen to be done as some 'evidence' is not in the public domain. If in the future Freddy Patel is charged with misconduct over this post mortem will that mean charges can be brought? If Patel is found guilty of musconduct over the 4 autopsies he is already facing charges for will that change anything? It stinks.....

It certainly seems that way.
One of the most absurd decisions I can ever remember from the CPS. They have hidden behind the reasonable likelihood part of the Full Code Test and ignored every other part of it.

Interesting innit. The CPS wail that the OB say that they hide behind that, when their version is that the OB don't bring cases before them in the first place. But they're clearly hiding behind it now.
The full CPS statement:


It appears that the sole reason for the decision not to charge with manslaughter was because of the disagreement between the first autopsy and the other two.
That's because the first autopsy was done by pig cunts, with pig cunt agendas, the second 2 were not. They were done after it was realised what had actually happened, and not what the police told the papers what happened. The big fat cunting liars.

It makes my fucking blood boil.
The full CPS statement:


It appears that the sole reason for the decision not to charge with manslaughter was because of the disagreement between the first autopsy and the other two.

I knew it. So because the pet pathologist, the one who is currently in trouble over previous grievous fuckups is given the same weight as two other pathologists who disagreed with his hasty and dodgy initial findings.

Isn't that fucking convenient. Absolute piss takers.
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