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i have access to a 6 rooms house

and now please begin with your cascading references as to how this is just another one of those scam tactics..Go on .. make me laugh one last time
and now please begin with your cascading references as to how this is just another one of those scam tactics..Go on .. make me laugh one last time

I don't know how to put it to you, but a) it smells like a scam, however well intentioned you may be, and b) Urban is, well, most suburban now, and overwhelmingly middle class (bunfight on the way - stay if you fancy a laugh).

This is simply not the place to be trying to reach the homeless.

There are probably more people here with second homes and rental properties than there are those needing to find a squat.

nice job guys. why not rent out some more midgets freaks and ballerinas while you're at it..?! You literally just lost an opportunity to get 10+ people of the streets possibly for good but I guess this place has now become your own personal board for farting about on your gaming chairs while hazing me and getting on with the job of running a three ring toilet of a circus which I'm also guessing is a reflection of your lives.

Good people, family men and women are out there right this second just chomping at the bits for a opportunity to rebuild their lives from the ground up if only somebody did manage to give a flying fuck about them.

Apparently that seems to be too big of an ask for people like you.

out of sight out of mind right? shame on all of you.
I’m sorry. Now you put it like that I hang my head in shame.

Just out of interest.

a. Why did you post here rather than cutting out the middle person and helping those good people, family men and women, yourself?

b. Why do you want to hire a midget and a ballerina? I presume you mean an MG midget as a person such as your self would never use such a disrespectful and discriminatory term for a person of restricted growth?
(Close but I think Darcey is in a non British sports car here).

C. When you wrote that, was in in Jack Nicholson’s ‘A Few Good Men speech’ voice?
I don't know how to put it to you, but a) it smells like a scam, however well intentioned you may be, and b) Urban is, well, most suburban now, and overwhelmingly middle class (bunfight on the way - stay if you fancy a laugh).

This is simply not the place to be trying to reach the homeless.

There are probably more people here with second homes and rental properties than there are those needing to find a squat.

Yes, 75% of the people on here know that quinoa is pronounced quinoa and not quinoa.
It’s not like the old days.
nice job guys. why not rent out some more midgets freaks and ballerinas while you're at it..?!
We already have some midget freaks and ballerinas? Cool

And yeah, it's unlikely that this is the best pace to advertise it. We're mostly old and whilst some are in insecure housing, most seem not in the place where squatting is currently a need for them.

You might be better off having a word with some of teh London based organisations that are more active in supporting squatters e.g. Advisory Service for Squatters | Legal & practical advice for squatters and other homeless people

And as I think BillRiver said above as teh building was an ex-hostel, it might well put people at risk of prosecution as it might be considered a residential building.
nice job guys. why not rent out some more midgets freaks and ballerinas while you're at it..?! You literally just lost an opportunity to get 10+ people of the streets possibly for good but I guess this place has now become your own personal board for farting about on your gaming chairs while hazing me and getting on with the job of running a three ring toilet of a circus which I'm also guessing is a reflection of your lives.

Good people, family men and women are out there right this second just chomping at the bits for a opportunity to rebuild their lives from the ground up if only somebody did manage to give a flying fuck about them.

Apparently that seems to be too big of an ask for people like you.

out of sight out of mind right? shame on all of you.
Why did you post on a site you known nothing about then?
..Finally, the ONE and only godless ape that managed to understand what's going on without any vitriolic comments. Wasn't that hard was it..?!.. bunch of window lickers.

How were my comments vitriolic?

I gave some legal info that could keep you and others involved safe (or at least allow an informed decision) and I provided links for further information and support.

I also expressed solidarity with you, as an ex-homeless person myself.

For that, you have ignored and insulted me!

Fuck you.
..Finally, the ONE and only godless ape that managed to understand what's going on without any vitriolic comments. Wasn't that hard was it..?!.. bunch of window lickers.
J’suis a proud godless ape.

‘Window lickers’ though , a bit like ‘midget’ shows that whatever else you are you’re the kind of cunt that cares nothing for the rights of people living with disabilities.

Now your bigotry is clear I think the gloves will come off.
J’suis a proud godless ape.

‘Window lickers’ though , a bit like ‘midget’ shows that whatever else you are you’re the kind of cunt that cares nothing for the rights of people living with disabilities.

Now your bigotry is clear I think the gloves will come off.
Jokes on you. I am on long term disability, that's my way of not taking life seriously. Also, I'm not hiding behind the keyboard as you can see I am perfectly comfortable showing you all my face. can't say the same for any of you lot.
Jokes on you. I am on long term disability, that's my way of not taking life seriously. Also, I'm not hiding behind the keyboard as you can see I am perfectly comfortable showing you all my face. can't say the same for any of you lot.
I’m afraid a face picture straight away is also a scammer/bot tactic. No real person on here ever has their face as their profile picture.
Go find the local homeless hang out later and pass on the keys. How did you come across the keys in the first place?
I lived there after being scooped off the pavement by social services. see? now, this is by far one of the most interesting threads on here. I'm enjoying it very much thank you.
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