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How many times has the Olympic moved you to tears?

the blubbing stakes

  • 1-3

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • 4-7

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • I have lost count

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • don't be so fucking ghey; I don't cry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0

    Votes: 25 59.5%

  • Total voters


metalmonkey to the rescue
Obligatory poll included. I just find it all so emotional. [strike]Running[/strike]Competing in such an arena, representing your Country (whether by birth or migration) is such a honour and the pride attached to winning a medal must be immense. Call me a big girl's blouse but it all just leaves me welling up.

Also, find myself crying when things fuck up too. Like the poor British girl in the relay, you could genuinely see how gutted she was by it all.
i was welling up reading about the german weightlifter who had a picture of his dead wife in his hands as he got the medal
i almost welled up watching that lad Tae Kwon Do-ing his heart out and not being given any points. poor thing, he was in tears and said he'd never seen judging like it.
i like it when they get teary on the podium
The BBC athletics people move me to tears every day, usually with their banality, hypocrisy and self-serving bullshite.

Wang Xiuying and her friend, Wu Dianyuan, do not look like enemies of the state. They are both nearly 80 and walk with the aid of a stick.

But the grandmothers have both been told they face a year in a re-education-through-labour camp if they do not stop protesting. This punishment seems a strange fate for two elderly women who only want to complain about being thrown out of their homes.

Not me, but I reckon this pair have shed a tear or two

Not me, but I reckon this pair have shed a tear or two
Yeah, posted about them on the Olympic protest thread in P&P. The article I read stated that they had already been handed down the one year sentence to the labour camp.

Is it still only a threat at this stage?
A few times including the German weightlifter. I tend to get watery eyes caused by staring at the screen intensely, which I often end up doing during the final part of olympic events.
I suspect you didn't find that on the BBC?

Lovely backdrop to the BBC studio though, very modern and open-spaced.

I saw the story about the two elderly Chinese ladies on the BBC website. Apparently it's a suspended sentence, although what they means in Chinese law could be entirely different to UK law
I'm the only "lost count" so far :(:oops:

I can't help it. Anything with any sense of pride or achievement for anything sets me off. Olympics, Extreme Makeover, bad afternoon films on Channel 5...:oops:
What an amazing couple of weeks.

I have cried at the Welsh weighlifter who struggled thru injury. I have cried at the rowing pair who said that they had gone thru it all just see the flag raised. The TKD kid, blah blah blah.

The supreme performances and the touching stories, was it becky Adlington who's coach died and at the funeral they played a video tape of him urging her to go and win Olympic gold? Ya couldnt make it up!
Nigeria winning bronze in women's 4x100metres relay :cool:

Yeah! How cool hey :) I thought I was the only that cared. Did you hear when they mentioned the Russians and the silver medalist as they crossed the line but broke off at that point not mentioning the Nigerians. Made me slightly :mad:

If you think of all the Nigerians in Team GB, lets not forget to claim our props there as well. Christine & Phillip just being 2 examples :)
I saw the story about the two elderly Chinese ladies on the BBC website. Apparently it's a suspended sentence, although what they means in Chinese law could be entirely different to UK law
I just put their two names into the seach box on BBC news and came up with nothing.

Linky please ?
Yeah! How cool hey :) I thought I was the only that cared. Did you hear when they mentioned the Russians and the silver medalist as they crossed the line but broke off at that point not mentioning the Nigerians. Made me slightly :mad:

If you think of all the Nigerians in Team GB, lets not forget to claim our props there as well. Christine & Phillip just being 2 examples :)

Someone (ymu? Coccinelle?) put up a link about why the Jamaicans are suddenly[/] doing so well at sprinting :)
One of the points was- they could legitimately lay claim to 3 other Olympic Champions- Linford Christie, Donovan Bailey and Ben Johnson :D
they could legitimately lay claim to 3 other Olympic Champions- Linford Christie, Donovan Bailey and Ben Johnson :D
As a point of fact, Ben Johnson isn't an Olympic champion for obvious reasons (Stanozolol). Christie was later banned for using performance-enhancing substances, but kept his Olympic title.

Fwiw, all three of them were born in Jamiaca.
I have screamed and shouted and cried too, mostly ( only ) about the cycling.
I can't sit throught the track events, though I can rest a little for the road stuff.
I love biking.
the rest of the Uk WILL TOO, before long.
As a point of fact, Ben Johnson isn't an Olympic champion for obvious reasons (Stanozolol). Christie was later banned for using performance-enhancing substances, but kept his Olympic title.

Fwiw, all three of them were born in Jamiaca.
Yah, thats the reason the article says Jamaica had a claim, rather that just that they had Jamaican ancestry.

Ben and Linford were not in Jamaica when they doped up :) Hadnt Linford effectively retired by then anyway? (not that it excuses it)
i was welling up reading about the german weightlifter who had a picture of his dead wife in his hands as he got the medal


Definitely worth watching again. Great bit of sport and fantastic celebrations from Steiner. The amounts that they are lifting are just ridiculous. 250 kg and above (more or less 40 stone!).

I love the way Steiner approaches the weights. You can see how pumped up he is.
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