90% of what I listen to is mp3 - I'll choose mp3 over flac any day. I've got nearly 2tb of music, There's no way I could keep that as flac and anyway, my ears are like cloth from years of heavy industry and dodgy bassbins. I've had no interest in playing out in decades, so it's just for my ears at low volume.
Most of that is stolen. Generally soulseek, though I'll get a lot of mixes from soundcloud (Never mixcloud - it's shit - if you post your mix there I won't even bother clicking the link) and I've ripped all my old tapes, cds and records that I couldn't find on SS. Now and again I'll chuck a couple of quid at someone on bandcamp when it's "pay what you want" and I'll more likely do it on bandcamp give it all to the artist days. If they want a 10er an album or a quid a track I'll just rob it. I'm not gonna work extra hours to pay for a tune or two.
I'll use youtube and spotify here and there, but it's mostly mp3s played through winamp or on a phone.
I don't pay for any video streaming services, I watch very little video (1-2 hrs a week) and I'll generally find what I'm after on pirate bay.
50% of my books come from soulseek, the other 50% from specialist sites (free as well)