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Horsey nonsense


Exasperated, not angry.
Saw that Zara Pissflaps woman this morning. We were watching, wondering when she was going to do whatever it is she is meant to do, when, in a flash, it was over and she'd scored forty something
What is the point of that event? There's zero athletic ability required, and there's no artistry. You'd almost think it was just an excuse to let posh people piss about
Dressage is a bit odd, but it's all about controlling the horse or something.

tbf I'd much rather watch her bonking
Get on a horse and try to do it then.:p

Dressage is not exactly the most thrilling bit of the equestrian events, but by god, its one of the most difficult for both horse and rider. Its the good riders that make it look that easy.
I take it you are refering to the dressage stage for "three day eventing" ?

In which case
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dressage

short answer :- trained horse / rider performing series of precise movements from memory. For three day eventing a horse has to be good at all three disciplines......

and it takes a lot of practice!

I must admit that dressage is not the most exciting thing to watch.....although I once saw a well-known rider part company with his mount, thanks to the attentions of a group of wasps!
To be good at all 3 events is quite something. Yeah, so they look all pretty and prancy during the dressage, but the cross country is fast, dangerous and exciting, and the show jumping takes amazing control from the rider.

I always liked to watch the pretty horsies, but I've got to know more about it and appreciate the work, dedication and effort since the son hitched up with a 3-day eventer (who, btw, is not posh, rich or a member of the royal family.)
I like the dressage as it is funny, but am bemused as to why the horses don't get the medals instead of the riders.
I like the dressage as it is funny, but am bemused as to why the horses don't get the medals instead of the riders.

Because the horse would just stand there and eat grass if it didn't have the rider. The rider is responsible for getting the horse to do what it does - It wouldn't do dressage moves naturally.

Doh OU!
but the cross country is fast, dangerous and exciting, and the show jumping takes amazing control from the rider.
They should just have individual competitions for those two bits then. Fuck the dressage, its daft. As bad as that silly cycling one where they have to not move for five minutes before cycling for ten seconds.
Out of all the animals in the world I reckon I hate horses* the most. Fuckers should fuck off and get fucking extinct.

*or baboons.
They should just have individual competitions for those two bits then. Fuck the dressage, its daft. As bad as that silly cycling one where they have to not move for five minutes before cycling for ten seconds.

Nooooooo! Its a competition for all-round horsemanship and dressage demonstrates the control and precision of the rider. I agree with you it looks daft and its not exciting but it's an important part of 3 day eventing.
I would like to see an event where a horse has to race against a motorbike. Then we would see why science is better than god
Nooooooo! Its a competition for all-round horsemanship and dressage demonstrates the control and precision of the rider. I agree with you it looks daft and its not exciting but it's an important part of 3 day eventing.
are there individual medals as well? or are there seperate events for them?
It's nearly all bollocks TBF. Oh, look at me, I can run quickly, over a given distance, on a track, after dedicating a stupid amount of time at practising nothing else. I'm really, really good at throwing a specific type of stick or jumping over a series of small freestanding fences on a bit of red tarmac. I am hero.
I think I'm right in saying that Dressage is both a team and individual sport, and ditto within the three-day eventing section. (but I think the team scores are agregated from the team members individual scores)
It's nearly all bollocks TBF. Oh, look at me, I can run quickly, over a given distance, on a track, after dedicating a stupid amount of time at practising nothing else. I'm really, really good at throwing a specific type of stick or jumping over a series of small freestanding fences on a bit of red tarmac. I am hero.
There is clearly some value in being able to run quickly, or to throw sharp pointy things a long way. There is zero value in dressage, that I can see.
dressage is about magnificent control and trust between rider and horse. It shows how much they train and trust each other, and is a true test of equestrianship. Unfortunately it can be a bit over the head of the non horsey person.
There is clearly some value in being able to run quickly, or to throw sharp pointy things a long way. There is zero value in dressage, that I can see.

Horsemanship? Precision horse riding ability? Though it leaves me cold too TBH. Haven't really watched the Olympics for years. (= more than 4) I think it mostly comes down to what you find most entertaining. I quite liked the decathalon and the boxing. Actually some of the cycling and rowing's good to.

Shit, I might have to get back to folowing it.
There is clearly some value in being able to run quickly, or to throw sharp pointy things a long way. There is zero value in dressage, that I can see.

When warfare was on horseback...
....proper control of your mount was vital, I suspect that most of the modern competion dressage has evolved from that starting point.
Two horses, this morning..


Anyway, should be a cracking final day. Really hope Mark Todd can pull it off at the age of 56. I met him a few times when I was a boy, he was awesome. Smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish. I always respect athletes like that.
Yes, she is good. Bit irritating the way the coverage in England is fixated on her though. Her's was the only dressage test broadcast on the main BBC show.
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