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"Hm, I fancy a go at that"

Lord Camomile

Much has been made of the 'sporting legacy' of London 2012, but has watching the sports on display so far encouraged you to actually give any of them a go?

I'll generally give any sport a go if given a chance, but currently I'm quite interested in having a go at handball and (indoor) volleyball. Did the latter at school a bit, but can't have played for around 15 years.

Probably won't be great at either because I'm kinda short and have almost no upper-body strength (think of a malnourished 7 year old), but would be fun to have a go.
Basketball and Cycle Road Racing. Buying a basketball this weekend, we have courts in the local park.
I've looked into adult gymnastics classes near where I live. But I did do gymnastics for 10 years as youngster.
Swimming is the only sport I have ever been able to do as an adult and I'm always thinking about going. 'Newham pools' page is permenantly open on my iphone :facepalm:
I quite fancy a go at handball too, looking into joining a club near me. I reckon I'll need to seriously work on my fitness though.
I would love to have a go at archery...but I am too shakey :( And I am quite obsessed by rowing but really, they'd be little chance of me being able to even sit in the boat never mind wielding an oar :D
Reffin the beach volleyball has to be up there on top of my list at the moment. I'm also tempted to get into the local municipal swimming baths gym maybe once a week and have a gander at how long it would take me to get in shape to contend for a place in the gymnastics team. Mens obvs ;)
I'm completely in awe of the gymnasts. But I guess you have to start training when you're in the womb to get anywhere near that level.
And they'll all be crippled by arthritis by the time they're 45. And they probably didn't have childhoods.
i'd like to try the shooting, but with some sort of more, er, industrial gun

I like the look of Handball. But I'd have to get myself into a less humiliating state of unfitness before I gave it a go in front of another human being. Maybe I can practice in my front room first. The cat can go goalie.
This week, i went down on my drops for the first time since I bought my bike. This is certainly due to watching the Olympics.
:oops: I need to keep doing it as it's a much more efficient way of riding quickly. I feel less in control of my bike though, but that could just be a matter of confidence.
I've been learning hymns and patriotic songs from the opening ceremony. I like the idea of reappropriating traditional songs from their nationalistic connotations. I might look up choirs in the area.
Having seen some of the fencing, and currently waiting to watch (on the telly box) the brilliant Olga Kharlan (I've been following her career for a few years now) I'm quite tempted to get my fencing stuff out again and join a club.
I would love to have a go at archery...but I am too shakey :( And I am quite obsessed by rowing but really, they'd be little chance of me being able to even sit in the boat never mind wielding an oar :D

I've always fancied both of those, too. The archery most of all, because I fucking love Skyrim, her from Brave has got fucking amazing hair, and I want to bone Hawkeye from The Avengers.

I used to play badminton quite a bit, still have my racquet, always mean to find someone willing to play with me, but my apathy and aversion of all things vaguely active seems to get in the way.
Took the dog out on the towpath this aft and almost got mown down by the wannabee Bradly Wigginses.
I don't want to be a sport rower but if I could be arsed to bail the canoe out I might celebrate the rowing golds with a can of ale while I paddle about.
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