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Help my Polish friend identify an old song.


Live Baby Fabric!
He remembers listening to it at a party and was drunk/high.

It was about 10 years is ago and it was being played through a YouTube video.

He says it was maybe a 90s or 80s track (a little electronic but not electronica) with a lead man voice - singing. It was a bit sad.

He's pretty sure it was a big hit and describes it at "Typically" English.

The most important thing is that he remembers a little boy staring up at a TV screen, and the lyrics were something to do with a name... Johnny Tommy ...Sally.

And that's it.

Urban hive mind. Help us out - please.

Edit: he also says colours were quite monochrome, grayed out blues and greens ... Quite melodic in tune and poignant
He remembers listening to it at a party and was drunk/high.

It was about 10 years is ago and it was being played through a YouTube video.

He says it was maybe a 90s or 80s track (a little electronic but not electronica) with a lead man voice - singing. It was a bit sad.

He's pretty sure it was a big hit and describes it at "Typically" English.

The most important thing is that he remembers a little boy staring up at a TV screen, and the lyrics were something to do with a name... Johnny Tommy ...Sally.

And that's it.

Urban hive mind. Help us out - please.
Matthew? Hey hey Matthew what do you see?
I've never heard it before in my life.

Wikipedia says it was a hit in Israel and East Germany.

I'm really impressed.

Can't say I particularly like the song.
"Hey, Matthew" shit/not shit?!!
It's my name, so I've always loved it!

Is that how it’s meant to work? The Beatles wrote a song which I have always disliked about my middle name.

No strong feelings about Hey Matthew either way, but the drugs must have been quite good for it to have made such a strong impression on the OP’s chum.
Is that how it’s meant to work? The Beatles wrote a song which I have always disliked about my middle name.

No strong feelings about Hey Matthew either way, but the drugs must have been quite good for it to have made such a strong impression on the OP’s chum.
I'm not sure tbh, but it always made an impression on me for that very reason. It's quite a memorable/unique song tbh, don't think drugs come into it for me in this case.
There are very few Beatles songs that have male names in the title, assuming that Silas is male and the name is conventional.

Jude or Maxwell. Rocky at a pinch.
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