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Hate crime law could be extended to cover misogyny, misandry, ageism, etc.

So yeah, watch your hate speech with this talk of “mental illness”

I look forward to the immediate recall and re-printing of Through The Looking Glass with the now properly-named Mentally Ill Hatter.

And the Loyalists use it to justify their hate marches. Good example of the wrong-headedness of including belief/lifestyle in this kind of thing.
yeah, seems to me something the right will make the most of as a sign of further snowflakian degeneracy while not hesitating to avail themselves of such laws as much as possible. Given the bourgeois judicial system is deliberately blind to any sort of power analysis its only going one way...
yeah, seems to me something the right will make the most of as a sign of further snowflakian degeneracy while not hesitating to avail themselves of such laws as much as possible. Given the bourgeois judicial system is deliberately blind to any sort of power analysis its only going one way...
Yep. It's a terrible idea.
The Hate factor of a hate crime will impact on sentencing guidelines, it will also factor in police resourcing decisions and victim care response. All there are some statute offences, racially aggravated public order ones for a start.
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You know, it’s not that straightforward in all seriousness. Madness as a concept has been with us for millennia and viewed in different ways over that time. But the much more recent application of the word “illness” to certain mental states has some controversy attached, because it implies a state of inappropriateness of some ways of being human. It also implies the appropriateness of diagnostic criteria and categorisation of mental processes, which are things that have been at the very least repeatedly highly contested for many decades now.

So yeah, watch your hate speech with this talk of “mental illness”

Woah don’t get hysterical.

‘Madness’ was first used only 700 or so years ago.
Nope. Can't call myself a nutter anymore. Goodbye self loathing.:(

Good old PC. I get chewed out for calling people mad, but this is in no way reflected by a reduction in the number of people calling me mad, nor an amelioration of the circumstances which induce them to do so in the first place.

By censoring words like 'mad' you only strenghten the implied connection between madness and badness/wrongness. To me 'sane' is the greater insult. It suggests a person able to function normally despite the manifest insanity of the world around them. This in turn suggests either ignorance, callous amorality or both.

Wait what's this thread about?
But conceptually it’s much older. It just wasn’t necessarily viewed as a “problem”. Or other times it was viewed as a different type of problem, possibly involving demons.

But what is the concept of madness. It appears to be used loosely to justify the use of the term ‘madness’ in times and places when/where they didn’t use this term.
But what is the concept of madness. It appears to be used loosely to justify the use of the term ‘madness’ in times and places when/where they didn’t use this term.
It historically referred to people who could loosely be classed as living an interior life that did not accord with that of the society around them. As opposed to the modern psychiatric concept of “mental illness” that is medically categorisable and assigned diagnostic labels. Pre-industrial peoples would not have said that the “mad” (whatever they called it at the time) were “ill”, I don’t think, at least not in the modern sense.
Yes, if an element of racism, homophobia etc. can be shown to have been present as part or all of the motivation for the offence then it is an aggravating factor.

But this new development is being reported that should some doddery old fucker be barring your way and you mutter to yourself* "out the way you silly old cunt", then you could go down. Not sure if that is the case or not.

*Did just this, muttered in my own mind in Sainsbury's, only it somehow escaped my mind and came out of my mouth, loudly :oops:
I think that's right. There are no hate crimes only hate as an aggravating factor. But there is also a reporting element which might come from MacPherson? Something that isn't a crime doesn't become a crime if hate is involved but the police have to record the complaint as the victim saw it. I suppose a credible element of hate might tip the balance. Walk into someone in the street and it's just an accident or bad pedestrian etiquette. Do it while muttering identity based insults and it might become an assault. I suppose that could be true of neutral insults too tho. This helps a bit but I'm still not sure The Met has a problem with hate-crime. It can't explain what it means. - BarristerBlogger

The misandry thing is good for clickbait. But misandry outside the imagination of an aggrieved mra is just another kind of misogyny isn't it? I like Kate Manne's definition of sexism defining gender roles and misogyny being the enforcement of those roles. Defining misandry in the same terms seems ok.
If all Crime is hate crime just add 10% to all sentencing tariffs

There are no more coppers to catch and process more crime and the justice system barely works as it is within current legislation and funding

I’m off to buy shares in Sodexo and G4S
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