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Harry Maguire


Well-Known Member
Not a massive football fan anymore, but just seen his bizarre car-crash interview on the BBC. The journalist wasn't exactly Emily Maitliss but he was still sweating buckets. And the body language... :facepalm:

Guilty as fuck. I'm not sure doing this was a great idea. Even Randy Andy was more convincing. If his sister had been date rape drugged by 'Albanians', surely they would have taken a blood test? And the fact he claims to have legged it, leaving his fiancee, brother and sister behind?

His claim that he didn’t know they were filth and he was scared cos he thought he was being kidnapped has just been blown out of the water by his driver who’s statement to the court is that the cops clearly identified themselves as such at the outset. Oh noes.
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His PR people need to be sacked. He should have just sucked up the suspended sentence and got back to work. There was no need for this interview.

Totally. A statement about he maintains his innocence, dodgy forrin police/courts and it’s an ongoing case (appeal) so no further statement. Then keep kicking the can until he retires and/or the Greeks get bored with it.
saw bits of it did Prince Andrew sack his PR team

don't want to side with the greek police as they have form

but also appears to be a coked up football player who tried to buy his way out of trouble by throwing cash around
and might of meet some Greek policemen not in the mood to play ball

and bad advice from a PR team lead to that car crash
saw bits of it did Prince Andrew sack his PR team

Yes. He sacked his assistant who had been pushing for the Maitliss interview. Then the Queen sacked him.

If this does go to appeal in Greece I'm fairly sure the prosecution will be harvesting from this interview. As I suspect his account is bollocks.

In saying that, by all accounts, by footballer standards, he's one of the better ones. The whole thing is twisted. Both sides are bullshitting on some level I think.
In saying that, by all accounts, by footballer standards, he's one of the better ones. The whole thing is twisted. Both sides are bullshitting on some level I think.

Greek old bill have massive form for bullshitting, Maguire is clearly talking out of his arse too. I can well believe he tried to bribe them, can also believe the rozzers kicked his leg and told him they’d end his career. Prick’s out of his depth in Mykonos though, he’s a pauper compared to the regular crowd that flock to that shithole.
Well anyway. Leaving aside the soap opera shite, I guess this is bad news for England? I guess he's quite good?

tbh, never really heard of him before this nonsense! Stopped following the 'beautiful game' some time ago.
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