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Hardest Geezer: Youtube channel

I can’t believe I need to repeat myself.
It’s not about me as an individual
But it was a joke at you as an individual on this forum? The joke was how the dude has run all that way and posted on here. That is directed at you, not people with ginger hair?
My mates take the piss out of me for looking like someone famous (won't say who!).. When they do that I'm not thinking it's about everyone that looks like that or them, it's a joke, it kinda sucks but it's just a joke. Don't know if that makes sense?
It's hard to gauge the intent of laughing with me not at me on the net I find so totally understand if you felt attacked. My sense is you are someone people would want to laugh with, not at when it comes to this place
Not sure what there is to laugh at
Orang Utan don't want to tell you how to think or feel but I'm fairly sure the origanal joke was aimed at you with the intention of you finding it funny too, I can see why you didn't and why it pisses you off. I'd like to think you could go ah yeah, fuck it, not important, shit happens, it's not actually an attack on me or anything you feel it is. Does that make sense?
Not sure what there is to laugh at
Nothing about being ginger. Just about the common factor you and the dude have together. If he had looked like Clare balding and someone had said, amazing how mumbles ran africa and posted on urban , I would have got the joke.. Shit, I've just revealed my mates think I look like Clare balding
Basically it's not about how you Look, but the similarities, and I understand why becuase it's about being ginger it pisses you off, and that's fair enough. Your right to share how you feel and I for one have listened
Because it's about a guy who ran the length of Africa and raised over (now) 895k for charity.

“We are rising money for two charities - the first one is The Running Charity which tries to engage people in sport right here in the UK.

“The second one is Sandblast, who do work in the Saharah - there’s a refugeee camp with 100,000 people in it and no know knows about it and they run educational and cultural programs there"

Whats not to like about that?
Why does he call himself the hardest geezer? He doesn’t look he’d give a paper bag much trouble.
Did he beat someone up in each country he ran through?
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