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Hardest Geezer: Youtube channel

I'm leaning towards iffy as well. Obviously the lad can run and fair play to that, because I really try and avoid it where I can and only do it now and again because I feel I should.

However, I've watched a couple of these vids and skimmed through a few more, and for someone running the whole length of Africa, they're all very... erm... white
One line that really stood out to me was,
"you don't have to be scared of weirdos roaming around at night, when you ARE the weirdo roaming around at night"
That's why there's no other weirdos roaming around they are keeping out of his way. :hmm:
he sounds like suuuuch an ordinary guy. WOW.

I was just idly wondering in the spirit of other posts on the thread to be honest, but if you're going to go all GMTV melodramatic on me then I will counter with the fact I don't think it's 'heroic' at all.
But you’re a Fanny so who cares what you think.
Is it have a go at gingers day or summat?
I would have said the same if he had a big brown prominent beard and you did too. So no. Also I posted before reading the other comment likening you to him because of the ginger beard but it was too late.
While I kinda get some of the doubts shared here about what he's done I thoroughly don't agree. He's not jsut jumped out of a plane and done a random sky dive, he's not doing a single marathon, he's not doing some piss easy bit of travelling in a vehicle. He's fucking run the lenght of africa. Every step of the way the whole team have been meeting, talking to and sharing the experiences of Africans. They spent a day with the Sharwari refugees, highlighting them as one of the longest displaced peoples in the world. Every step of the way Africans have come out to meet him to support him, give them food or shelter,or fix their vehicles.

I find it a bit cheap that comments here call is suss without it seems any idea of what he has done and how he has done it. My dad ran for charity from the first time hie did the London marathon in '81 pretty much until he couldnt even walk but he did charity walks for heart foundation visiting every HF charity shop in Kent and the south east to raise money. Writing off this as "I feel it's suss" is bollocks imo and you should take a good look at why you think that. This isn't self promotion and even if it was... Why is that a bad thing when you compete such an amazing feat and raise so much for meaningful charities.

Get a fucking grip
Replace ginger with any other word that’s often used to denigrate someone or their appearance
No one was denigrating being ginger per se. They were comparing you a ginger person with a beard to another ginger person with a beard that has done something amazing and saying how surprising it was "you" obvs not really you, could run the length of africa and still post on urban. It wasnt denigrating ginger people it was making a false connection for comedic value. There was no putting down of people with ginger hair. It was a joke. I think you've had a sense of humour bypass about this fella, and I mean that with all respect
It just gets fucking tedious.
Didn’t think it was personal, but have a word with yourselves if you think that’s what it’s about
It just gets fucking tedious.
Didn’t think it was personal, but have a word with yourselves if you think that’s what it’s about
I get you, sorry if you felt it was another attack, I can't speak for you, but it didn't seem like it to me. Maybe clumsy humour and yeah, obvs pissed you off, I get that. Don't stress about it though dude. Pretty sure no harm was meant yeah?
I think you're great Orang Utan. I hope you know that, but also, don't think people have been getting at you if that makes sense? Maybe they have? I which case I'm on your side
I did the feel it was a personal attack ffs, that’s not the point.

It’s jnot about intent, is it?
Ah, that's fair. I didn't feel it was an attack, more like being a joke that you would maybe laugh with, but guess you felt laughed at. So fair enough
It's hard to gauge the intent of laughing with me not at me on the net I find so totally understand if you felt attacked. My sense is you are someone people would want to laugh with, not at when it comes to this place
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