Yeah, cheers to those of you willing to chuck a constructive response my way - Laptop, Derian, ZWord, totaladdict, Japey, bluestreak. I think its worth being open about these feelings I have within the circles that these feelings might be relevant towards and Im certainly not standing here claiming to hold the key to anything.
I have goals and ambitions that are completely inline with my principles, however, on a day to day basis certain situations may occur that may challenge those principles. I'm attempting to avoid being dogmatic. I'm also attempting to maintain an awareness of everything that I know is wrong with the world, the structures and dynamics that cause problems and how I fit into the puzzle.
If you want specific examples I foolishly proceed to bare the beef.
An extremely close member of my family is currently struggling to make ends meet. This person has contributed over 17 years to a local company, is undoubtedly one of its most important employees to the company and is, in my opinion, slightly guilty of being too passive with regard to demanding what's rightfully their's. This person has had enough yet is hesitant to approach the boss for a pay rise, or whatever, as they worry about being sacked if refused. I encouraged them to demand what's fair and that it's illegal to sack someone for no reason. Realise this is sometimes irrellevant.
So, looking to make a few extra quid this person has decided to sell their services around the community, fixing things for a small fee style, working for themselves to bring home the bacon. I want to support them in making this a success and I have no doubts about my willingness to help them with this endeavour. It's an enterprise to make money, however, it aint with the intention of expanding beyond a certain point or exploiting the labour of others.
The second dillemma is with regard to some pals of mine that own a pub. I need to stop pissing my part-time wage up the wall and I've been given the opportunity to help them promote their rock events in exchange for a healthy beer tab when I go out to their pub. This works for me as I need to save money, sell my labour and try and be more efficient with my time and money. If I wasn't working for beer I'd be working for money to buy beer with and that's the truth I'm afraid.
So yeah, Im personally adverse to the idea of making a raise on anything, hooking up a profit for the sake of profit. I sell my own music and I organise music concerts, however, the money raised on that front is always donated to charity/campaign groups. My man owns a pub, which is his own business and that's his choice. If my mate's a Capitalist in that sense I'm not gonna hold that against him or allow that to taint my perspective of who he is or what he's about and as a friend of his I'd like to support him on principle. In the same breath, however, by supporting him, as a capitalist, I'm also supporting Capitalism.
I guess this is what I'm getting at.
Take it easy
P.S: I stick my tongue out and rasp at anyone out there who speaks bold about treating each other with respect, tolerance, understanding and all of the rest of it, whilst in actuality also being jolly negative and disempowering.
"... Likewise, the demise of the noble anarchist, once huzzahed by the proletariat and feared by the ruling classes, working their mysterious ways, wearing their mysterious clothes, sidling to their mysterious meetings. Today's anarchist appears to be a well-to-do student, yet one who has chosen not to blow mama and papa's fortune on vintage port and single malt whisky, but on having mud and ordure smeared in their hair and rings places in their noses, leading one to believe that their natural habitat should be the farmyard. Their devotion to anarchy involves standing outside American eateries shouting rowdily and disturbing the peace, before sneaking off to a different American eatery for a bucket of greasy batter masquerading as chicken, then retreating to the Halls Of Residence to brag about how they so nearly brought down the Government, usually to a response of utter apathy from their fellow students."
Cheers for that Dubversion. So what do you think? How can I proceed? What would you do? What do you do? Having a little dig for the fuck of it gets us nowhere. Dont you think?
..and you IMHO, what kind of life, exactly, do you suggest I get?
You may all stare, point at me, mock and joke my confusion but I'm here stating just that. Not looking for any bother.