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Hand drawn WW2 Prisoners' Magazine now online

They were behind barbed wire in cramped wooden huts hundreds of miles from home during World War II.

But some Welsh prisoners of war overcame adversity with a remarkable series of morale-boosting magazines about their homeland called Cymro (Welshman).

They stole medicine to make ink, while their meagre rations were used to stick illustrations onto pages from school exercise books.

It featured snippets of news from home taken from letters sent by loved ones, and was handwritten in English and Welsh from inside Stalag IVb, near Mühlberg in Germany, between July 1943 and December 1944.


That's pretty amazing.
Did they have a readers Letters Section like they do in the London Paper...? Usually some local Nazi going on about immigrants and Jews and everything...
Did they have a readers Letters Section like they do in the London Paper...? Usually some local Nazi going on about immigrants and Jews and everything...

:confused: how thick a troll are you? :confused:

do one
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