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Greens 250K votes, BNP 500K votes - yet no airtime for BNP = democracy?


so, why is it we have to put up with Bennett's whining drivel 24/7, yet most of the other fringe parties never even get a look in (on the TV)

for example, DUP - will prob win more seats than Greens but not even in the 7 way debate, and BNP - double the amount of votes yet not even a mention. And how about the TUSC and other Socialist parties, no airtime whatsoever.

democracy? gotta be a joke right
I like other views, makes it more interesting. I get the mods view tho, that they get bored of it and it's hard to tell if it's just going nowhere(pointless trolling) nevertheless it's a shame.
''Democracy! What is the point in Democracy when electors keep voting for the wrong party''
I have very little doubt that this idiot was a formerly banned returner. Even if he wasn't (unlikely IMO), he was blatantly too thick-as-pigshit stupid** to be worth retaining.

**Or pretending to be -- same difference in effect.
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