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Green and other unconventionally dark wall colours in films & series

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Perhaps this has always been so and I have only just realised it, but I can’t help noticing how often you see in films and series nowadays rooms painted dark green, and to a lesser degree dark blue, Mostly in North American productions, though sometimes in UK/ European ones also.

Now I am of course aware of the colour green behind fundamental to CGI, but I am positive this has nothing to do with that. It’s just background colour, because at the end of the day walls have to have a colour. So is it the case that most American homes are painted green IRL and Hollywood is just reflecting that, or is this a deliberate device intended to accentuate a sense of tension or impending doom to a scene? I would say that this is more prevalent in horror, thriller, and sci-fi productions than comedies or dramas, so perhaps it is just that...
I'm often struck by how dark/badly lit rooms are in the daytime in american films and tv. I think it might he a mood thing. I havent noticed wall colours so much though.

I cant think of any examples except for in his dark materials on British TV. The house in our world because it was unusual for here but not there. And because I watched it just the other day. And because I like the decor.
In horror films you obviously often have darker colour schemes but apart from that it's not specific to films, it's been fashionable in interior decoration for a few years now. That will be reflected in contemporary productions because that's how people decorate their homes now and art directors follow these trends.

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Got any examples?
Right after I posted the thread I thought I was going to be asked this, and wondered if I should have first written down some instances because my memory is shit and I wouldn’t be able to provide many concrete examples. But I can assure you it’s rife as I can at least remember I have been observing this for a good couple of years now. In particular among sci-fi or superhero series, but certainly not limited to them.

I am watching the Alex Rider series on Amazon, which has them. I am sure The Umbrella Academy was plagued with them. Almost every contemporary American horror series or film in which the story takes place in a house has them. When you start noticing it it inescapable.
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