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GotomyPC or equiv


Hey peeps,

So I am going to be working away from home for a while and wanted to be able to log in to my PC to keep my downloads queued up and just ontop of things

Can anyone recommend any software? FREE software :) user friendly for windows
I've always used something called LogMeIn tho I assume it's the same thing as gotomypc (which all work round citri or soemthing?)

I've never paid for it, does gotomypc cost then?
for a few months I reckon, at least!!

Will give them a try, I am guessing getting round my work PCs configuration might prove troublesome
If you're techy enough to set up port forwards and will be able to run the client software on the computer you're using whilst away, use UltraVNC.

For security, make sure to set up a proper password, and don't use the default port
Also some torrent clients have web access so u can pause, stop, start etc on there.
If you're techy enough to set up port forwards and will be able to run the client software on the computer you're using whilst away, use UltraVNC.

For security, make sure to set up a proper password, and don't use the default port

yeah, but I get the idea the OP was looking for simpler solutions ( I resisted the urge to suggest a certificate based SSH with X windows forwarding redirected from port 22 to 443 or setting up a dedicated VPN - my preference).

Pretty much the above solutions should be ok, choose a decent solid password (over 14 characters and different from your windows password), ensure that connections are logged in your router. If it has the facility, get it to email you on any login.
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