aqua said:but the woman running the resturaunt/bar thing was just as bad
I pray it was a total set up
Smølfine said:I read somewhere the Mr Ramsey thought it was 'hilarious' when he tricked a table of vegetarians into to eating meat
Wanker IMO
kea said:i've said this before but i'll say it again - i used to work for a chef who was more ramsay than ramsay is. he once threw a guy outta the restaurant and punched him cos 'obviously you can't appreciate decent food' - he'd sent his steak back three times cos it 'wasn't done enough'. that was a high point but throwing people out wasn't so unusual - he did quite a bit. this chef (i won't name him) was a total cock in many ways, had the ego to end all egos, couldn't talk without shouting and swearing, 'you fucker' was the nicest thing he ever called anyone. 95% of people would probably have hated that job, but i loved it. it was a challenge, it was completely absorbing, there was always something to be doing, i ended each day knackered but satisfied - i loved it. basically if you worked hard and did your best and gave 100%, he'd love you. anything less and you wouldn't last long.
having said that, i can't see myself working in a kitchen long-term as a career. but for a few months it was fab.
i really enjoyed that programme last nite incidentally. and i'd love to think it's a set-up but i don't actually think it is. it's just a case of a young lad who's v cocky and has read too much about the current glut of 'celebrity chefs' trying it on with a clueless bar owner who knows nothing about catering. not so unusual these days i'd have thought tho admittedly the standard of fuckwittery he reached was pretty Olympic
Smølfine said:I read somewhere the Mr Ramsey thought it was 'hilarious' when he tricked a table of vegetarians into to eating meat
Wanker IMO
kea said:edit: incidentally, i do get a bit ramsay-esque myself sometimes as my kitchen assistant Photo will confirm
Snorkelboy said:There are plenty of pressured stressful occupations where things have to be done quickly and correctly or the consequences can be very serious that don't consider it acceptable to be a bullying wanker.
I think it's just a tradition that it's OK (even expected) in this industry so it continues.
He's a wanker.
on an unrelated note has anyone ever read his opinions on attending his childrens births (BTW - he has never changed a nappy). More symptoms of wankerdom I reckon.
Athos said:He's a chef,He's a celebrity chef. He makes money from his personality as well as his cooking.
Snorkelboy said:on an unrelated note has anyone ever read his opinions on attending his childrens births (BTW - he has never changed a nappy). More symptoms of wankerdom I reckon.
aqua said:surely that is for his wife to decide? I know I wouldn't find it acceptable, but who am I to judge? I probably wouldn't entertain that kind of a man, but she does, or she is far sillier than I thought
Snorkelboy said:Perhaps true - I did say it was an unrelated note.
The reason his wife said it was OK was because he said he wouldn't find her attractive afterwards (according to the interview I read).
I think more importantly his bullying behaviour in the kitchen is a good indicator of his character.
Athos said:I'm saying that I'm not that bothered by his character. Would the fact that he's a wanker stop you eating there? Would you not watch Maradona play because he's a wanker, or read Byron?
Snorkelboy said:Not sure really. It is a bit different though. By eating at his restaurant you're condoning (and paying for) exploitative, bullying behaviour.
Whereas reading the work of a dead poet does not, and nor does watching Maradona play (AFAIK?)
Griff said:Rancid scallop!
Totally agreed - he may well be an excellent chef, but the way he treats people is appalling. Like you say, it is just a tradition in being a head chef that you have to shout at and belittle everyone who works for you.Snorkelboy said:There are plenty of pressured stressful occupations where things have to be done quickly and correctly or the consequences can be very serious that don't consider it acceptable to be a bullying wanker.
Snorkelboy said:Athos said:He's a chef,He's a celebrity chef. He makes money from his personality as well as his cooking.
No, actually he has Micehelin stars which means he gained his 'celebrity' 1) thorugh being an amazing cook and restaruanteur and 2) being known for fearsome temper
His celebrity is soemthing that came along way afterwards, built around his fiery temper and the reputation he gained . The fact he's popular is nothing to do with him trying to Ainsley fucking Harriot.
It made me laugh!Smølfine said:I read somewhere the Mr Ramsey thought it was 'hilarious' when he tricked a table of vegetarians into to eating meat
Wanker IMO