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Gold facism

Er... how on Earth is it 'absurd'? We're paying for the show, we collectively invest in sport, we turn up to support them, etc.

A general expectation that the athletes representing the country try their best is perfectly sensible. At most it's debatable. It's clearly not absurd.
Most of the Sport England funding comes from lottery tickets, which I don't buy. The whole concept of us being "represented" by athletes is patently absurd. How on Earth is a professional athlete competing for their own reasons representative of me?

As to "paying for the show", well I didn't agree to it, and most of that money is going in the contractors pockets.
The whole concept of us being "represented" by athletes is patently absurd. How on Earth is a professional athlete competing for their own reasons representative of me?
in the Olympics (and presumably some other competitions) the athletes represent their country. Many of them are proud to represent their country and will believe that any success they have is also (partly) their country's success and should be shared by and with their fellow countrymen.

Just because you're a miserable fucker and clearly selfish, doesn't mean everyone competing is.
in the Olympics (and presumably some other competitions) the athletes represent their country. Many of them are proud to represent their country and will believe that any success they have is also (partly) their country's success and should be shared by and with their fellow countrymen.

Just because you're a miserable fucker and clearly selfish, doesn't mean everyone competing is.
Oh right, I'm a "miserable fucker" and "selfish" because I don't think people winning medals has any real impact on the lives of ordinary people and the connections between these people and us are ridiculously tenuous? Funny definition of selfish you've got there, tbh. I would've thought, for example, spending £9bn on a giant sponsorship jamboree/corporate profiteering exercise in the middle of recession would more count as "selfish", but maybe that's just me.

It's entertainment, nothing more.
Oh right, I'm a "miserable fucker" and "selfish" because I don't think people winning medals has any real impact on the lives of ordinary people and the connections between these people and us are ridiculously tenuous? Funny definition of selfish you've got there, tbh. I would've thought, for example, spending £9bn on a giant sponsorship jamboree/corporate profiteering exercise in the middle of recession would more count as "selfish", but maybe that's just me.
the selfish bit relates to the fact that you appear to believe athletes only represent themselves and don't care about anyone else suggesting that you would have the same selfish viewpoint.
in the Olympics (and presumably some other competitions) the athletes represent their country. Many of them are proud to represent their country and will believe that any success they have is also (partly) their country's success and should be shared by and with their fellow countrymen.

Just because you're a miserable fucker and clearly selfish, doesn't mean everyone competing is.
if that's the case then how do you explain the stateless athletes who are competing? which country are they representing?

you say 'many of them [athletes] are proud to represent their country'. could you name some of the athletes who are not proud to represent their country?
I would've thought, for example, spending £9bn on a giant sponsorship jamboree/corporate profiteering exercise in the middle of recession would more count as "selfish", but maybe that's just me.
I agree. We should have told the world we couldn't afford to host it and just cancel it. Or cut the events down to about 20, host it on an existing sports field over one weekend and put out some sandwiches to keep the 200 spectators happy.
the selfish bit relates to the fact that you appear to believe athletes only represent themselves and don't care about anyone else suggesting that you would have the same selfish viewpoint.
You haven't explained why I feel they should represent all the various people and their variety of interests, other than sharing a nationality with us? And what the fuck has selfishness got to do with anything? What's generous about competing in athletic events?

Generosity is giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Fulfilling your own ambitions isn't generosity. Entertaining people and fulfilling their vicarious sense of achievement is of pretty minor benefit to others. Real generosity is around us everyday, and it looks nothing like this.
I agree. We should have told the world we couldn't afford to host it and just cancel it. Or cut the events down to about 20, host it on an existing sports field over one weekend and put out some sandwiches to keep the 200 spectators happy.

Err... what the fuck are you on about? Is not forking over the vast majority of the money to shyster contractor mates of the political class and bending over for the IOC and the sponsors not an option?
Where does this dumb moral ethical dimension to this particular sports competition come from anyway? I like watching sports, I even like watching athletes who appeal to me succeed (I thought Andy Murray's Gold today was great). But acting like it's some kind of grand affirmation of national values? That the athletes are doing it for Britain? That the Olympics exemplifies anything deeper than any other sporting tournament?

What the fuck is that?
Oh right, I'm a "miserable fucker" and "selfish" because I don't think people winning medals has any real impact on the lives of ordinary people and the connections between these people and us are ridiculously tenuous? Funny definition of selfish you've got there, tbh. I would've thought, for example, spending £9bn on a giant sponsorship jamboree/corporate profiteering exercise in the middle of recession would more count as "selfish", but maybe that's just me.

It's entertainment, nothing more.

Most peple are aware of this, you know.

Facism. LOL.
if that's the case then how do you explain the stateless athletes who are competing? which country are they representing?

you say 'many of them [athletes] are proud to represent their country'. could you name some of the athletes who are not proud to represent their country?
Those competing under the Olympic flag are not necessarily stateless.
The South Sudanese member presumably represents South Sudan. Those from the former Netherlands Antilles aren't really stateless either as it was split up into other parts. I don't know which countries the athletes are now part of but could represent Curaçao, Aruba, Sint Maarten or one of the new municipalities.

On your other point, how would anyone know which, if any, athletes aren't proud to represent their country but seeing as many here don't appear to be very patriotic, presumably there may be athletes who feel the same way.
Err... what the fuck are you on about? Is not forking over the vast majority of the money to shyster contractor mates of the political class and bending over for the IOC and the sponsors not an option?
Are you suggesting the Government should have done everything themselves?

On the second point, if a country wants to host the Olympics, you need to suck up to the IOC and its sponsors. Same with the FIFA World Cup.

If you don't then you won't be in with a chance of becoming host.

I'm happy that I have seen an Olympics in my country in my lifetime and would be equally happy for us to host the World Cup before I die too.
Where does this dumb moral ethical dimension to this particular sports competition come from anyway? I like watching sports, I even like watching athletes who appeal to me succeed (I thought Andy Murray's Gold today was great). But acting like it's some kind of grand affirmation of national values? That the athletes are doing it for Britain? That the Olympics exemplifies anything deeper than any other sporting tournament?

What the fuck is that?

That is patriotic, centimentalism. Course it goes OTT. It always does with these mass media things. But where would sport, particularly team sport, be with out engendering a bit of that tribal group identity . Knowingly artificed or otherwise.

These gentlemen in red are better at the kick ball than the blue ones hmm. Time for tea.
Are you suggesting the Government should have done everything themselves?

They more or less are anyway, aren't they? Just at three times the price because they have to give all that money to their mates.

On the second point, if a country wants to host the Olympics, you need to suck up to the IOC and its sponsors. Same with the FIFA World Cup.

If you don't then you won't be in with a chance of becoming host.

You might begin to see a problem here?

I'm happy that I have seen an Olympics in my country in my lifetime and would be equally happy for us to host the World Cup before I die too.
At any price?
Where does this dumb moral ethical dimension to this particular sports competition come from anyway? I like watching sports, I even like watching athletes who appeal to me succeed (I thought Andy Murray's Gold today was great). But acting like it's some kind of grand affirmation of national values? That the athletes are doing it for Britain? That the Olympics exemplifies anything deeper than any other sporting tournament?

What the fuck is that?
So if you were an athlete you would be unhappy that anyone else shared in your success and the people of the country should continue with their own dreary lives?

The athletes (at least not all) aren't "doing it for" their country but are presumably generally happy for their country to share and toast their success.

And this attitude is not limited to the Olympics. The same things happen with football world cups and large events such as tennis grand slams, Formula One, Rugby, cricket etc. I'm sure it happens at smaller events too, it's just that they aren't as widely covered and therefore the whole nation doesn't get to cheer them on.
given the cost of the fucking things, they shouldn't go round every two years to a different city. rather, all the nations which are members of the ioc should contribute - perhaps dividing the cost by the proportion of medals they've won throughout the history of the olympics - and construct fine facilities in greece for the summer games and in sweden - as a neutral country - for the winter games.
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