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Gold facism

Personally I dont care if they win gold or not as long as they do their best. However I am proud as fuck that we now have sportspeople in this country for whom gold means everything and silver doesnt cut it. It is one of the reasons for the turnaround in peformance levels by GB athletes at this and the last Olympics. As a child I was so used to seeing GB athletes just trotting round a track like the sickly kid in PE.
It doesn't matter to me if they don't try their best but I wouldn't be supportive of them if they didn't.

I would think it odd that they've presumably trained hard for 4 years to get there and when they got there, they didn't bother to try.

I'm struggling to see what point you are trying to make. Do you think there are any athletes at the Olympics not trying to do their best?
The point I'm making is that the statement "as long as they try their best" is absurd. It's acting like these people owe you something
There is nothing wrong with saying it, as presumably it is true. What seemed strange is that he is from Belfast and representing Ireland when I thought the GB team is actually GB and NI (and Belfast is in Northern Ireland). I know that in a lot of sports Ireland compete as a whole nation, but not sure of the situation for he Olympics.
Pedant points for maltin
It seems to me athletics at this level is a selfish act - I dont mean that in a critical way, but its all about challenging yourself, pushing your own limits, putting other people aside to concentrate on your own 'performance'. Family have to make huge allowances to the atheletes as they effectively give over their lives to this pursuit of boundary pushing - one which ridculously in the gold facism scehem of thigns means only 1 person in the world will ever have true satisfaction from. :hmm:

Ultimately to get a gold is to satisfy yourself that this endless ego-centred effort has all been worthwhile, its meaningful to no one else, apart from blowing up or deflating national myths. On the sofa this morning interviewer asked some gold medal winning rowers 'when did you realise how important what you've done is' - answered with 'it hasnt really sunk in yet' ....err, get used to that feeling, you rowed a boat fractionally faster that someone else... will spend the rest of your life looking for any deeper meaning in that. I do appreciate the value of a personal challenge, and all that entails, and im happy for them and maybe a little impressed and inspired, but its a masochism verging on madness, and ultimately its a competition they're having with themselves.

I'd like to see comentators and spectators who think silver (let alone bronze) medals are worthless prove that they could do better than that themselves. Coming second or third out of the very best 8 in that particular sport on the day is quite an achievement, as is even qualifying to be at the olympics.
This is it exactly, I have a memory (maybe rose-tinted) that the fact you were an Olympian was everything, and the rest was just what it was - any medals a bonus of course. This talk of "im sorry we've let you all down" silver/bronze crying is either delusional or some kind of bizarre projection that you've been doing all this training for us (in fact doing it for themselves), and 'we' have demanded gold or nothing else.

If they really do think they're doing it for King and Country then thats messed up. I know lots of Chinse children who are chosen young and trained to the nth degree get a similar propaganda treatment. Nothing pretty about it.

The media don't help, and just reinforce this insanity.

all of which doesnt really square with Pierre de Coubertin's (founder of modern Olympic Games) quote
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well

I'm still in disbelief the country is punching above its weight. Third place, blimey!
I dont think this is a new thing - IIRC in the all-time medal table GB are 3rd. Likely its the private school system to thank for all these medals over the last century :D
I'll add: when I saw the lads who won silver, and who were collapsing all over the place from exhaustion, all tearful and broken because there's a boat in the world that had the temerity to win gold, I did kinda think "oh, shut up, ffs. Really. Look at the two of you. You're shitefucked. You couldn't've done any more. Stop bleating on, ffs, and revel in putting in the second fucking best performance in the world. Fuck's sake."
They owe it to themselves.

Aside from maybe their parents who spent all the money on kit and hours and hours ferrying them to and from practice etc. they don't owe it to anyone. I don't think you get anywhere near that level if you're not actually trying to win (badminton anomalies excepted).
I don't think you get anywhere near that level if you're not actually trying to win (badminton anomalies excepted).
Quite, hence it seems a pretty pointless argument Lo Siento is trying to pick. The phrase "to do one's best" is just a similar version of part of what ska invita quoted de Coubertin as having said "the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well".
Quite, hence it seems a pretty pointless argument Lo Siento is trying to pick. The phrase "to do one's best" is just a similar version of part of what ska invita quoted de Coubertin as having said "the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well".

I can see ska invita's original point, though. Nothing wrong with a silver or bronze, and I don't like the idea that these athletes are supposed to feel they've let someone down if they don't get a gold.
I dont think this is a new thing - IIRC in the all-time medal table GB are 3rd. Likely its the private school system to thank for all these medals over the last century :D
Great Britain are currently fourth in the all time list behind USA, the Soviet Union and Germany.


However, 56 of those gold medals were won during the 1908 Olympics where a lot of events were largely contested by the British. Excluding them would push GB to 9th (although I suspect others such as France may also have had fairly uncontested early gold success). 5th on total medals.
I can see ska invita's original point, though. Nothing wrong with a silver or bronze, and I don't like the idea that these athletes are supposed to feel they've let someone down if they don't get a gold.
I agree with ska invita's point. It was Lo Siento's question to me that I found pointless.
I agree with ska invita's point. It was Lo Siento's question to me that I found pointless.

Ah, ok. Well to be fair, you did just say they only have your support if they try their best, which is more recriprocal than them owing you something.

Personally, I'd find it quite funny if someone was so fast they let the others have a head start in the 100m.
Stood filing their nails for a bit...
I can see ska invita's original point, though. Nothing wrong with a silver or bronze, and I don't like the idea that these athletes are supposed to feel they've let someone down if they don't get a gold.
from 2016 the british olympick association will extract one kidney from athletes failing to achieve a gold medal. The extra kidney transplants this will allow will ensure that despite their ignominious failures, their lives will not have been in vain. This is quite mild compared to the chinese, whose failures commit ritual suicide on their return home.
Death to pissing your emotions all over the place like some kind of oafish uncivilised Yank! :mad:

They should all piss off to America and cry rivers over there - on a talk show :mad:

Fucking country will be doing all that high-five bollocks next :mad:
The point I'm making is that the statement "as long as they try their best" is absurd. It's acting like these people owe you something
Er... how on Earth is it 'absurd'? We're paying for the show, we collectively invest in sport, we turn up to support them, etc.

A general expectation that the athletes representing the country try their best is perfectly sensible. At most it's debatable. It's clearly not absurd.
I'll add: when I saw the lads who won silver, and who were collapsing all over the place from exhaustion, all tearful and broken because there's a boat in the world that had the temerity to win gold, I did kinda think "oh, shut up, ffs. Really. Look at the two of you. You're shitefucked. You couldn't've done any more. Stop bleating on, ffs, and revel in putting in the second fucking best performance in the world. Fuck's sake."
They were devastated to have been beaten by a whisker in the final moments of the race, not because they came second. Different story if they'd battled from eighth place to second after a poor start.
Fucking country will be doing all that high-five bollocks next :mad:

These chaps - all credit to weepiper for posting this in anotehr thread - have got the gold medal sewn up in the High Five Bollocks event.
I can see ska invita's original point, though. Nothing wrong with a silver or bronze, and I don't like the idea that these athletes are supposed to feel they've let someone down if they don't get a gold.

I dont expect them to think they've let anyone down, they certainly havent let me down, but I like the thought that it means so much tio them that they think they have!
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