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Glastonbury 2024

So, tickets on sale Sunday morning. For the first time in well over a decade I think I’m gonna have a go at getting one…
Me too, but also going to try and volunteer again. Trouble is, the window for volunteering jobs doesn't open until the New Year.
Cant be arsed with all that malarky and can't afford it now anyway. I might try and work it again though... could be a jolly.
wonder if this will prompt them to overhaul the whole system or ditch SeeTickets for next year.

was planning a night out Saturday 18th that's off now. got to be sober and awake bright and early.
I’m in a Facebook group for a weekender and ticket day now lands on the Sunday morning. Lots of chat about where to get decent Wi-Fi on a holiday camp. 😄
wonder if this will prompt them to overhaul the whole system or ditch SeeTickets for next year.

Let's hope so. See have been useless for years. I put a review of them on Trustpilot a while ago with some fair constructive criticism i.e. advising that other agencies have simple helpful cues on their sites such as where you are in the queue and how long you have to wait which saves you having to refresh and therefore cut down on traffic. Instead of taking note of my suggestions, my review was actually deleted!

(Anyone but Ticketarser, please!)
Unsurprisingly See have made a cock-up of things with some people's registration details which means the ticket sale has been postponed by 2 weeks.

Is it the fault of See?

I got an email in August telling me I’d have to confirm my registration.

I did so.

I got another in October telling me to check my registration.

I did so.

If I didn’t have a registration still I would have had two weeks to register.

If you can’t do the same do you even deserve to go to Glastonbury?
Is it the fault of See?

I got an email in August telling me I’d have to confirm my registration.

I did so.

I got another in October telling me to check my registration.

I did so.

If I didn’t have a registration still I would have had two weeks to register.

If you can’t do the same do you even deserve to go to Glastonbury?

I've seen a lot of people claiming that they check and updated their registration but it was still deleted by See.

Whether that is true, who knows.
wonder if this will prompt them to overhaul the whole system or ditch SeeTickets for next year.

was planning a night out Saturday 18th that's off now. got to be sober and awake bright and early.

Just woke up after going out Friday night, where is your commitment!

oh tehre you are :D
sold out in like an hour last year? but more like 30 mins years before. they must be having issues
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