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Give up Bingo and Booze if your Benefit is being cut!

I drink very rarely because I can not afford it. There are quite a lot of arseholes out there who do see it as their birthright to be pissheads. I fail to see why pointing out to people that not pissing their money away is a good idea is patronising.

Better advice would be on how to do good homebrew and possibly grow your own. Bingo is shit anyway.
I drink very rarely because I can not afford it. There are quite a lot of arseholes out there who do see it as their birthright to be pissheads. I fail to see why pointing out to people that not pissing their money away is a good idea is patronising.
I drink very rarely because I can not afford it. There are quite a lot of arseholes out there who do see it as their birthright to be pissheads. I fail to see why pointing out to people that not pissing their money away is a good idea is patronising.

Better advice would be on how to do good homebrew and possibly grow your own. Bingo is shit anyway.

Tenants of Eastlands homes have taken offence because the budgeting advice their landlord has deigned to benefit them with starts from the assumption that they are all feckless wasters who buy beer and cigs before paying for essentials. Their objection is to being stereotyped. That and the fact that their landlord employs (at a decent salary no doubt) people so comprehensively inept & unprofessional that they can't even conceal the contempt they feel for their tenants when puttting together a document like this. That's why people are getting aereated.

Slavering on about homebrew and growing your own misses the point by miles.
Also, it has to be said - Budgeting advice is only useful if you've got enough money to live on in the first place. If I was affected by the bedroom tax, I'd still be able to eat, my internet would be gone straight away though, which would make the old jobseeking a lot harder. I'd struggle to keep myself clothed and shod (well, I already struggle, but ATM, I manage it. Just) - If I was all shabby and threadbare, that's gonna be a barrier to getting a job as well. If I was under 25 and therefore recieved less money in the first place then the bedroom tax, coupled with this council tax thing that's happening would mean I simply wouldn't have enough income to keep body and soul together.
I drink very rarely because I can not afford it. There are quite a lot of arseholes out there who do see it as their birthright to be pissheads. I fail to see why pointing out to people that not pissing their money away is a good idea is patronising.

Better advice would be on how to do good homebrew and possibly grow your own. Bingo is shit anyway.
While I can agree with you about bingo, home brew and growing your own (not always viable options for everyone, though), I object to it being assumed that anyone who drinks at all while on benefits is a pisshead who can't budget.

I can just about afford to drink once in a while by dint of not smoking and not having takeaways. Other people would think the amount I spend on books and internet access ridiculous compared with what they spend on their prioritised vices.
Still you never know, taking everyone's money off them might help them stop drinking or gambling. After all there are no homeless people that are gambling addicts or alcoholics. When was the last time you saw a drunk homeless person? Nope, never happens.
A lot of the time people do this shit because they don't see an end to their situation or it getting better so they just think fuck it. Coming with this shit is not going to help them. Then again helping anyone is not the point of these cunts.
Anyone attended lavish housing conferences, paid for out of public money and seen the number of piss-heads propping up the bar, before playing stupid games for prizes? A gaggle was always seen smoking outside by the hotel entrance. It was a treat spotting those with sore heads in the morning and emailing the photographs at a later stage. CEO's and Directors were a favourite target. Some, who were due to speak, never made it down from their pit in the morning and, who ironically, were later in a position to sack people.
Anyone attended lavish housing conferences, paid for out of public money and seen the number of piss-heads propping up the bar, before playing stupid games for prizes? A gaggle was always seen smoking outside by the hotel entrance. It was a treat spotting those with sore heads in the morning and emailing the photographs at a later stage. CEO's and Directors were a favourite target. Some, who were due to speak, never made it down from their pit in the morning and, who ironically, were later in a position to sack people.

Tekkers that is so so true where I worked. Spot on. Esp the last point.
What ever happened to callmedave's "we are all in this together" eh we hear lots of benifits/support etc cuts for the 99% but of cuts to the benifits/support etc of the 1% eg the £250000 per anum that callmedave's inlaws get in farm/land subsidies we hear nothing :mad::rolleyes:
i don't think cameron ever said 'we're all in this together', it was osborne.
The irony is that at some level this is probably well meant advice - from people who think it's perfectly natural to advise people how to live their lives. What the Housing Assoc can't see, or maybe fall naturally into, is the paternalistic and patronising assumption that they can see things their clients can't see. If there's one group of people already well versed in making horrible choices, managing little bits of pleasure with cold necessities, it's the people in their properties.
If I can't afford to pay my bills I stop drinking, smoking and going out. I don't have sky, but if I did, I'd give that up too. When I'm broke non-essential activities stop. I don't think that it unreasonable to expect others to do the same.
the world must stop having fun when dessiato's broke. :(
It does for me. I concentrate on the essentials first. Why shouldn't others do the same? I don't doubt that most will do the same, and it is not the majority who will ignore bills to drink etc. It is wrong of the HA to make the assumption that the majority of people on benefits are scroungers.
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