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getting into florida with recent arrest can i do it?

No the chipped ones or biometric as they call them only contain in the microchip what's contained on the page of info about you. It's just put on a microchip cos they think that will be more difficult to forge.

When you get a biometric passport they don't take your fingerprints or iris scans or owt like that.
Bahnhof Strasse said:
My drink drive ban ended last September, in May I flew to the US and had no problems having answered NO to all their silly questions.

Hope this helps.

Yeah it's good to know of someone in the same position, gives me some hope for the future anyway!

I am a bit of a worrier though so I would likely be in a panic until I was on my way home to the UK!
ok just got back from florida i have possession with intent charges (class A and B) and i went on wvp (green form) didnt declare nothing and had no problem
visa is a lor of crap and a money making thing
havingamare said:
ok just got back from florida i have possession with intent charges (class A and B) and i went on wvp (green form) didnt declare nothing and had no problem
visa is a lor of crap and a money making thing

Good man!
Hi there, need a bit of advice here, I was caught in possesison of a small amount of weed at the starts of NOV 06, I was not arrested or taken to the Police station however, They read somethin out in the car, and he told me to go and that i might get a letter from them! This was nine months ago and I have not heard a word, I am travelling to USA for holiday soon with family and dont know if i have or should declare a criminal record or conviction? I would appreciate your advice as to what i can do ? i have never been in trouble with police and am almost certain this would be a first offence...9 months on is it liekly i will be charged or go to court?? Thanks for your help ! K
you will be fine for your holiday do not declare it just fill in your green form and tick no.
If however you have get another conviction after you have been to the states you will be caught.
Doubt you will hear anything now, and even if you do it will just be a letter stating the obvious.
Enjoy your holiday
cheers m8, hopefully no more convictions, but as i never heard from the police after the night, i dont even no if i got arrested!! am just gonna tick no and hope for the best?? u sed the obvious...whats that? cheers for ur help!!
I've found the information in this forum really helpful. I can see that most people in here believe that even with a conviction for a drugs possession charge you can get into the states without applying for a visa first.

I've heard a story about someone who did go through the expensive visa process (travel to london, hotel in london, visa application = about £600) and was told they would not be able to enter the USA. no explaination, no information on if they could reapply in a few years or not.

I don't want to end up like this person. I would rather take the chance on a cheap flight to New York and just see what happens. Does anyone know what happens exactly if you tick NO to everything on the waiver form and get found out? Do you simply get deported with no reentry ever?
Sounds like I stand more chance of doing it that way than admitting everything to the embassy in the UK and hoping they say yes.

Its now 2011, a few years after this topic was last updated by anyone so I'm thinking USA information may be more knowledgeable about people than ever before.

Thanks for your help, its comforting to know people are in the same boat as me for silly possession charges.
let us be clear on this, the UK do not give access to their records to the US unless specificaly requested and agreed, and thats usually for terror type stuff.

IME choices are

1) Admit it to the Emnassy and have an 80% chance of being refused a visa and excluded from going back to the US for a decade

2) Dont admit iit to anyone and have a 90% chance of getting in. Even if you get caught, you wil be deported and excluded for a decade
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