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Help gaming PC advice


The gaming PC I got my son is out of date and I updated it as much as is possible (gtx1050 gpu and it can't be upraded any more becaused of the motherboard)
He has picked these 2 options from argos, I wondered if there was anywhere better to buy from?

https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3181782?clickSR=slp:term:gaming pc:7:33:1

https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3293814?clickSR=slp:term:gaming pc:9:33:1

OR, i seem to remember the PSU in his current machine is actually pretty big, and the case and drives are ok too... is it at all worth the hassle of getting all the other necessary bits? I've only replaced graphicas cards and RAM and added an SSD to boot from so I'm no expert.
The gaming PC I got my son is out of date and I updated it as much as is possible (gtx1050 gpu and it can't be upraded any more becaused of the motherboard)
He has picked these 2 options from argos, I wondered if there was anywhere better to buy from?

https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3181782?clickSR=slp:term:gaming pc:7:33:1

https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3293814?clickSR=slp:term:gaming pc:9:33:1

OR, i seem to remember the PSU in his current machine is actually pretty big, and the case and drives are ok too... is it at all worth the hassle of getting all the other necessary bits? I've only replaced graphicas cards and RAM and added an SSD to boot from so I'm no expert.
Thank you, those look to be a bit out of budget tho... i guess could go to £1000, but ideally less.
The system I put together a couple of years ago (2nd hand gaming rig but I upgraded parts) ended up being maybe £350, including all hardware keyboards mouse etc too! half of that pricewas the 2nd hand graphics card upgrade )
it actually looke like the specs on those argos ones make them a good deal.... am i missing something? I'm just going on name of graphics card really
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