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Gaming addicted teen, College work suffering big time!


Well-Known Member
My 16 year old son is addicted to PC gaming, WOW especially, and various others, also just spending hours on end skyping and or facebooking his mates. Normally this would not matter but he is now seriously behind on his 6th form school work, to such an extent he may well completely fail his AS exams and get booted out of college.

Anyone have any ideas?
Wow pretty much cost me a relationship.

Others I knew had lost jobs over it or bombed out of university.

Others stayed unemployed because wow became more important than searching for work.

I advise cold turkey. None of this rationing shit. Wow is soul suckingly evil.
Yeah, as Weeps says, make him earn his gaming time, whatever ratio you think is best. When work is done (and checked!) he can go online. And remind him it's only for about four more months.
This is difficult. it's probably best to consider the game a symptom rather than a cause however.

Extra credits did an interesting video on this. part two and three may be more interesting to you the first one is ,more about younger children

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For some of his college work he needs to access the college's VLE, i.e. he needs to be able to go online. It should be manageable though, he can go on later.
Not if there's no internet connection he can't!

Even if you say to him that he'll fail college and it could have knock on effects later in life he won't listen. he is 16. I never listened to any advice from people who knew better at that age.
So you believe we have to disable net access. I am not against it, if it has to be done to get him to do his school work then it has to be done.

Yet I suppose that is how you learn.
Painful lesson being chucked out of college to shelf stack, when he is a bright kid.
Well I don't know your son but I do know my dad had to remove the main wire from the telephone socket. I was addicted and I had a problem.

Even now I find it very easy to zone out into my laptop and spend 10 hours on reddit.

Good luck, there's going to be fireworks!
I suppose I am worried that if there is no net connection at home he may just go back to a mates place and play there. The objective is to get him to go home to do his college work. He is very behind on one subject and it will take a lot of work to get back on track.
It's over simplistic to just say turn off the internet. sure maybe some limniting will be needed but just doing that will turen you in to the enamy and may stop you talking with the person and working out why they are spending so much time lost in games and the internet
Oh I know WOW is a compulsion. A couple of years ago we were with slightly older cousins and they asked my son what games he was playing, WOW he replied and they said ok kiss the next three years goodbye!
Oh I know WOW is a compulsion. A couple of years ago we were with slightly older cousins and they asked my son what games he was playing, WOW he replied and they said ok kiss the next three years goodbye!

Any game that has that that kins of community pressure is particularly bad
They're saying that stacking shelves in a supermarket is no gauge of success or worth or academic ability.

Plus that anyone using supermarket jobs as a benchmark for success or worth or academic ability is a cunt; or a troll if they've been reading the other thread.
I have no idea about another thread. I think my kid is bright and *could* go places, I do think if he ends up on minimum wage at age 16 with no options, I and his mum will have somehow failed him.
He got good GCSEs, but now things seem to have gone pair shaped.
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