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Funniest Chants (or the most offensive chants) you have heard

So, you are wrong, I could actually find it offensive that you are equating eating rats with being Irish.
For a little while, AFC Wimbledon's LB was Michael "MC" Harvey of So Solid Crew. So Solid were in the press several times over alleged gun offences.

So whenever anyone fouled him, the crowd would start chanting the simple but effective "Harvey's gonna shooot ya! Harvey's gonna shooot ya!"
Very pissed Newcastle fans on the train the other week were intermittently singing this one ( to the tune of que sera):

'Oh Gerrard, Gerrard,
He kisses the badge on his chest,
and puts in a transfer request
Oh Gerrard, Gerrard!'
That's neither funny nor particularly offensive... just shit. Written by an 8-year old?
Agreed. It's definitely not funny, and not really "offensive" - but it's certainly stepping over the line of being unnecessarily unpleasant.

And I say that as someone who thinks Rooney should have been dropped from the national team about 4 years ago.
His eyes were offside
His eyes were offside
Mesut Ozil
His eyes were offside.

Funny and offensive, do I win five pounds?
Funny yes, but offensive? I'm not so sure of that (in a football chant 'banter' context). The guy does have quite big bulging eyeballs. He's also extremely talented (eurgh - *washes mouth out with soap*), wealthy, successful, and appears to have his personal life together, so I doubt he really gives a shit.
Agreed. It's definitely not funny, and not really "offensive" - but it's certainly stepping over the line of being unnecessarily unpleasant.

Nah. It's just shit. And lazy.

And also not true. Rooney's hair is all his own.
The obvious one but i don't think i've seen it:

Adebayor, adebayooooor
your dad washes elephants
your mum is a whore


Better was ' dimitar, dimitaaaaaar,
Ur mum washes windscreens
On the North Circulaaaar'

The Campbell song which gained so much publicity was obviously and meant to be offensive, but was more interesting to me in that the BBC, 5LIVE especially said it was racist, after the line ' it won't be long till ur hanging from a tree...'

They determined and allowed no response, that it alluded to KKK lynchings and not to the sad suicide of Justin fashanu..Tottenham fans suspected Campbell of being in the closet and the possible outing of this was reason behind his walking off from ground at half time having put West Ham two up on his own at the library...
Offensive on every level but not racist in any way...BBC had their agenda, kick it out, proletarian racist scum etc, knew nothing or preferred to ignore the long history.of anti racism of Tottenham fans and their firm..would not have been tolerated.
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Obviously. :) traditionally Liverpool would be the 'Proddy' team on Merseyside and Everton the Cat-lick one - although those days seem well gone for the vast majority of Liverpool fans.
So Everton formed by a Methodist Minister and The Shyte by a greedy landlord and his Orange Order Mates leans towards the shyte being Proddy and Everton Catholic. ...what a lpad of shite.....and why oh why bring religion into it. IS it not bad enough in Glasgow ( oh and I follow Rangers with a passion and support Everton with my SOUL)
Agreed. It's definitely not funny, and not really "offensive" - but it's certainly stepping over the line of being unnecessarily unpleasant.

And I say that as someone who thinks Rooney should have been dropped from the national team about 4 years ago.

Funny yes, but offensive? I'm not so sure of that (in a football chant 'banter' context). The guy does have quite big bulging eyeballs. He's also extremely talented (eurgh - *washes mouth out with soap*), wealthy, successful, and appears to have his personal life together, so I doubt he really gives a shit.

He certainly does a passable Marty Feldman impression....thats probably why he is so sucessful...they think he is going to pass there but really he is looking 40metres to the left.
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