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Framed - daily film guessing game

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Shows you 5 increasingly easy screengrabs from a film - guess the film as quickly as poss

Got todays in one - you know why? it was out of respect (clue)

Framed #18
🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛

yeah usually its frames 5 and 6 where they show the key stars / iconic moments
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I got it 1 in beginners luck, but I have seen this film a few times

Framed #19
🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛

If frame 2 had been first I don't think I would have got it, not sure about frame 3, but would have got for sure on the other 3 frames.
Framed #20
🎥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛

Guess one was Howls Moving Castle though i havent actually seen that
Exactly the same here. Got it on frame 2. I don't remember that frame 1 scene from the correct answer.
I've seen the film but back in the days when mushrooms were legal, dammed if I could remember the title though so ended up putting in any old shit just to get the answer - still none the wiser
Got it in one again! Only because I knew it was a <no spoilers> film and just guessed the first one that came into my head

Framed #20
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I used the exact same logic :D

Framed #20
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hard to see the opening frame.... here it is big



(got it in one ! smug)
Framed #24
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