The M205 is back with an EF, and writing smoother / nicer than just about any other comparable pen I own.
Well. It's got a far, far nicer ink flow than the Lamy 2000 (which is apparently £60-70 at Smiths ATM?!). And is a bucket fatter than a Sailor Sapporo EF, but tbh I'm liking it as much if not more.
I'm struggling to find an ink to put in it, mind
Fainter inks are almost shading - losing nearly all their colour at the edges. A cochineal red is coming out pink; Jentle apricot as light pink-orange.
Black is weird in a yellow demonstrator. Sapphire blue is just shit. Oxblood - maybe. Brown pigment ink v tempting, but I'm frightened I'll fuck the pen.
I'd appreciate any thoughts about lighter, non-shading inks if anyone's got any favourites? Even well-defined bottled highlighter ink, tbh. Particularly if it's pink.