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First Eurostar on its way to St. Pancras

2 stops from Paddington, followed by a trek through the Underground would affirm any soul of the efficay of gettng a taxi direct to the nearest airport rather than dragging their bags down the hell-hole inhabited by "London's finest" who tut-tut at the merest inconvenience between them and their destination, such inconveniences including anyone ludicrous enough to want to carry luggage through the commuter only "toobe".
You've got a bit of a chip on your shoulder squire, and its making you talk pure ARSE.
Can we put a sticky in the transport forum warning people not to waste their time discussing anything with Cobbles?
You've got a bit of a chip on your shoulder squire, and its making you talk pure ARSE.

So what you're saying is that someone carries your luggage for you through the 2/3 multiple train stations and up and down the tubes??????????

Unlike putting it onto a plane ONCE and picking it up at your destination?

Semtex or not......
So what you're saying is that someone carries your luggage for you through the 2/3 multiple train stations and up and down the tubes??????????

Unlike putting it onto a plane ONCE and picking it up at your destination?

Semtex or not......
Hello? Here's how my last journey via Heathrow went: Walk to Brixton tube. Change at Oxford Circus. Get out at Paddington and 'lug' baggage on to the station and on to the Heathrow Express. Arrive at Heathrow. Lug - and I mean, really lug, my baggage through a lengthy underground labyrinth, up escalators, up lifts around corners and ramps before arriving at the packed concourse area. Join huge queue. Wait a long time. Get quizzed about my baggage and get handed a load of slips. Go upstairs and hang about some more. Wait for my plane to be announced. Join another big queue. Forced to empty pockets, take off shoes, take out laptop and have my stuff x rayed. Hang about some more. Another queue. Finally get on plane and wedged into tiny seat. Another wait as we sit in the plane. Can't get out my laptop and do work.

And my trip to St Pancras Eurostar? One tube straight there, "lug" the baggage about 200 yards and get on train with the minimum of fuss and start working straightaway in a nice comfy seat.

Oh, and the best bit is that my luggage stays with me the whole time, unlike those poor sods at Terminal 5 who are waiting 3 weeks to see their baggage, and may never see it again.
I just refuse to believe that Cobbles is serious now, surely just keeping up the ridiculous argument for old times sake.
Cobbles is a nutter :D

Got knows that getting a train is infinitely less hassle than planes. I suspect Cobbles doesn't do much travelling. His Mum doesn't like him leaving the farm.
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