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FEMA's new holiday camps


the truth don't care
These seem to be springing up around the US

video tour (6-7 mins)

Good to see that they have plenty of heating. Can't have the guests catching a chill.

could be anything bit like that loon went around filming east anglia water digging water tanks convinced they were hiding ufos :rolleyes:
Here's a question for you. When the concentration camps were being built in nazi Germany, what was the public reaction?
Jazzz said:
Here's a question for you. When the concentration camps were being built in nazi Germany, what was the public reaction?

Here's a question for you. Do you think concentration camps are being buit in the US now? And for who?
Yes concentration camps are being built in the US right now.

They`re being built to hold illegal aliens, arabs and "terrorists". But mostly just anyone who disagrees.

"That would never happen in this day and age"

Google: Rex84

BlackSpecs said:
High Quality Footage .....:D

Yeah why aren`t miramax down there :rolleyes:
Once again, azrael23 confuses "planning for every eventuality" with "they're actually doing it, right now, the swines"
the footage was crap. the black helicopter thing was a bit naff. but what about the message?

some of my thoughts, for what its worth.

the report says that the place is for repairing broken trains. it seemed to have an awful lot of security for just fixing trains. but i guess train repairing tools are expensive.

the report says that it is in a low crime area. that could be due to the high level of security in other buidlings and that the train repair place has just been modified in line with current security measures.

those turnstile things look very scarey. they almost look one way only.

the furnaces are frightening in the context of concentration camps.

my initial thoughts as i was watching the footage was that i could imagine whoever it is who believes in the rapture to round up the rest of the population, ready for some judgement day antics.

on face value its a bit worrying what all that security is all about, extermination sheds, them scarey looking gates. i'm inclined to think that they are up to no good - but i have no real idea what.
Dandred said:
Here's a question for you. Do you think concentration camps are being buit in the US now? And for who?
al qaeda suspects... and in the future, everyone's an al qaeda suspect... even you...

camp x-ray is just a taster... a 'starter for ten'...

there is evidence that many 'top' nazi scientists and high-officials were flown over to the US following the second world war, by (iirc) the FBI, in a move called 'operation paperclip'. it is alleged that the CIA was formed by one of these nazi's in 1950-something...

if this is true, what have they been working towards? why were they flown to the US in the first place? and would a second 'crack of the whip' i.e. another attempt at the 'final solution' be appealing to these guys?

I used to think that organised naziism disappeared with the destruction of hitler's plan... my personal belief now, is that it went underground, and spread in a viral manner...

you may think I am wrong, and I hope to G-d I am. but I don't think so...:(
Maybe, just maybe, these camps are there for disaster management? Isn't that what fema is about?

I did a quick read-up about Katrina, and 10s of thousands of volunteers were temporarily housed in such camps while they helped with the relief effort. There was resistance to the authorities closing them in fact.

And if this is such an insidious "death camp", how come these people were allowed to film the gas "execution chambers" and other details at will?

(Dunno why I'm bothering debating this tbh).
Snigger. I stopped watching after "this brick building could be used for processing". Ban the brick!
Why don't they show us where this is on Google Earth, or maybe who owns the site?

Operation paperclip
The operation to gain knowledge from German rocket and nuclear scientists during and after WW2. Doesn't sound very suspicious to me.
er, does to me, actually. incidently, that's not *german* rocket scientists, it's *nazi* scientists, rocket and otherwise. and I wouldn't trust wiki to have any kind of objective view, personally.
axon said:
Why don't they show us where this is on Google Earth, or maybe who owns the site?

no idea why it wasn't mentioned. Don't they airbrush bits of google earth out that breach national security anyway? I can't imagine them not doing, though I'm sure some thing must get through.
snouty warthog said:
er, does to me, actually. incidently, that's not *german* rocket scientists, it's *nazi* scientists, rocket and otherwise. and I wouldn't trust wiki to have any kind of objective view, personally.

Nah, I wouldn't claim that wikipedia is the world authority, but it's a much better starting place than prisonplanet. And you're right it was Nazi scientists, I just leapt to the bold conclusion that they were German, my bad.
they were german, and they were nazi's- no mistake on yr part. I dunno. I have no further comment except, I really hope my interpolation is wrong. I don't think it is, but I wish it was...:(

That's odd... I have a semi-official history of Operation Paperclip somewhere, and as I recall it, it describes it as a British operation, and gives a different name to the US effort. Too shattered to join in a WikiSpat right now though... (The mystery is: how did Thomas Pynchon get so much right about it in Gravity's Rainbow?)

And yes, Google Earth may be edited - take a look at the Nevada Test Site. Groom Lake ("Area 51") is there in exquisite detail, but the areas where they're planning renewed weapons development experiments are thoroughly blurred.

But as for these "concentration camp" things... blah. In the early days of the Web there was a wonderful site claiming that "European-style road signs" were an infallible sign that there was one nearby - presumably the first priority of the New World Order was to extirpate the great US tradition of truly shit graphical design and replace it with something alien. And there's a highly suspect site in the Los Angeles area with tall fences all around it, the top facing inward - it's cunningly described as a golfing range :D
Fair enough Loki, have a read of this article which you should find satisfactorily referenced:

Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'

Vietnam-era whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg said, "Almost certainly this is preparation for a roundup after the next 9/11 for Mid-Easterners, Muslims and possibly dissenters. They've already done this on a smaller scale, with the 'special registration' detentions of immigrant men from Muslim countries, and with Guantanamo."
Most people grow out of banging on about conspiracy theories, isn't it about time...................:confused:
lizzieloo said:
Most people grow out of banging on about conspiracy theories, isn't it about time...................:confused:
If there is something I've grown out of, lizzieloo, it's having any trust in our governments and a system that purports to protect us whatsoever.

Maybe it runs in the genes - my great-grandfather was a 'conspiracy theorist too', of his day - I guess he hadn't 'grown out of it'.

He got out early, while it was still possible. Millions of other Jews didn't.

Alex Jones!



Delusional and obsessively paranoid hypochondriacs!


Jazzz said:
If there is something I've grown out of, lizzieloo, it's having any trust in our governments and a system that purports to protect us whatsoever.

Maybe it runs in the genes - my great-grandfather was a 'conspiracy theorist too', of his day - I guess he hadn't 'grown out of it'.

He got out early, while it was still possible. Millions of other Jews didn't.

Your great grandfather would be spinning in his grave so quick you could strap a dynamo onto him and generate enough power to run the Arsenal Stadium for a year, were he to know you've been trying to convince people to take David Icke and the Protocols of Zion seriously...
Jazzz said:
If there is something I've grown out of, lizzieloo, it's having any trust in our governments and a system that purports to protect us whatsoever.

Maybe it runs in the genes - my great-grandfather was a 'conspiracy theorist too', of his day - I guess he hadn't 'grown out of it'.

He got out early, while it was still possible. Millions of other Jews didn't.

Are you the same "Dr Jazz" that I gave lift to, to Glastonbury and back, in 2004? Because you seemed pretty normal on that trip, compared to everyone else....... although I can see that it was all relative!

Jazzz said:
Here's a question for you. When the concentration camps were being built in nazi Germany, what was the public reaction?
Most of them didn't know about them. The jewish population was being 'resettled'. Some started asking questions when the trains which were meant to be making long journeys returned far too quickly. Initially very few knew what was going on.
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