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Fallout 4

Re the game, it's getting an upgrade on April 25th. I might stick it on my PS5. I started it ages ago; was enjoying it, but didn't get too far and felt a bit stuck. Not sure whether I was stumbling areas that were too hard.
I lost interest in it but then was in to very different gaming back then, might redownload once the update drops...
It doesn’t seem that old to me either. I didn’t get it at first as I don’t think I had a PC that could run it at the time. So it was more like 2018 when I finally got round to it. IIRC
Ten years sounds like they should be releasing another. Instead of farting around with an online game that you can’t even do co-op in.

I bought a PS4 to play it, first and only time I've had a current gen console. There was nothing on my PC that was worth upgrading and I didn't game enough at the time to justify a new one.

Another Fallout would be great, think they were a bit busy with Starfield though. We'll probably get another Elder Scrolls game before it anyway.
neonwilderness (re weekend thread) What do the new Fallout 4 updates get you anyway?
I haven't played yet, but mainly looks to be improved graphics and bug fixes*

* As you mentioned it sounds like it's introduced a load of new ones too :D I didn't get that far last time round so I'll start a fresh game without any mods, so should hopefully run ok.
Yes, but you can’t change the fact that Fallout 4 is a single player campaign. It shouldn’t be an online co-op. It was never meant to be. To make it so would undermine the whole point of the game.
There are other games
Fuck knows why you think it ‘has’ to be a single player game. Does it fuck the lore up if it isn’t? In that case what is Fallout 76 all about?
I'm going to replay it, I didn't get all that far the first time. My Nexus Mods manager won't let me login though, which is a bit annoying.

Edit: I got Vortex to reinstall now and was able to install F4SE and some mods after downgrading the game, but they still don't seem to be working, even though they're enabled in Vortex. :mad:

2nd edit: "Deploy mods" was apparently the step I was missing, which the guides helpfully don't tell you about.
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Did they change the base game questlines? I don't remember getting power armour so early, and I'm sure the detective was in his office when I originally played it.
you can stable across power armor in the first town you wander into :hmm:

first quest at the museum at concord
I've never really used power armour when playing any version of Fallout. In Fallout 4, that early quest in Concord is the only time then I dump it for another outfit.
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