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Fallout 4

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Bethesda recently trademarked Fallout 4 in Europe, giving credibility to the rumors that the game may soon be announced.

We all know that Bethesda is probably working on Fallout 4, but it may be closer than we think. Earlier in the week, we saw a mysterious website surface, seemingly teasing a new Fallout game with a countdown timer. Adding credibility to those rumors, Bethesda has recently trademarked the Fallout 4 name in Europe.

Normally, this would be a fairly inconsequential thing, but it's occurrence just after that website popped up has set of a couple of alarm bells. The Spike VGX are just around the corner, and considering Bethesda hasn't been working on Skyrim since last April, as well as the website's countdown ending in December, it seems like everything is sliding into place.

The last time we heard about the studio's "new project," they said it was "looking awesome," but failed to give any kind of timeframe on when we may see it (or even when we may find out what kind of game it is).

Either way, it looks like Fallout fans can be cautiously optimistic about this one. Fallout: New Vegas, the last Fallout game, was released back in 2010, and was outsourced to Obsidian Entertainment instead of the core Bethesda team.

It's never too early to start a thread like this, amirite?

What are you hoping to see from Fallout 4?
23 days to the announcement that it will be out some time in 2016!

Combat system could be better, more balanced weapon options, general improvements in AI and interaction with it and a Cthulu-inspired bit that they've actually bothered to finish properly.

Technically I'd like a revolutionary new game the likes of which I cannot even conceive of, but the above is probably more realistic.
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More open world would be better. I know FONV was open world but you were herded a certain way by unbeatable mobs rendering it pretty much linear up until you reached New Vegas.
Don't expect technical wonders, this is Bethesda we're talking about. I predict an even shiner version of the same engine they've been using since Morrowind, with the same fundamental limitations on architecture, scripting, animation, combat and AI. It'll look amazing in screenshots, of course :D
The continuous indoor/outdoor revolution will come! have faith Crispy, have faith.
Maybe for small buildings. This is already true to an extent in Skyrim, which has some "interiors" freely accesible from the world. But I am willing to place a server fund bet with anyone who'll take it, that FO4 will have some huge buildings with only 4 doors and absolutely no windows, which load as separate environments.

They will use all that lovely RAM for hi-res textures and models, more varied audio, longer view distances etc. because you can throw money at them and see immediate results.
Well, I'd like to see...

More factions. Specific reputations with factions (like with FNV)
Upgradeable weapons (i.e. being able to add scopes, other enhancements to weapons)
A hardcore mode (again like with FNV) where stim packs don't heal immediately, you need to eat and drink and sleep.
more moral ambiguity
More weapons (including all the obscure Fallout 2 weapons)
The player having greater affect on the game world. Mebbe even things like over hunting of certain animals causing them to appear less often.
less glitchy radio station.
Vehicles, but make them hard to obtain, repair and fuel. Yeah some real Mad Max shit.
Hardcore rocked in FNV, more of that.
I believe a co-op mode has been hinted at.
Crispy said:
Don't expect technical wonders, this is Bethesda we're talking about. I predict an even shiner version of the same engine they've been using since Morrowind, with the same fundamental limitations on architecture, scripting, animation, combat and AI. It'll look amazing in screenshots, of course :D

I like this word of caution. What sticks in my mind is the hours, and I do mean HOURS, of fun I have when I get lost in a Bethesda game. What they all have in common though is I've never finished any of them. It's a design flaw but also part of the attraction for me I think. Actually I have no idea if this post relates in any way to yours. It triggered the thought though.
As much as i like fallout i think it doesn't quite lend itself to quite the same rollplayability as elder scroll games.

the desolation of the setting means more interactions of the bullet to the face kind.

i'm looking forward to another fallout but not in the way i'd look forward to ES 6
Maybe for small buildings. This is already true to an extent in Skyrim, which has some "interiors" freely accesible from the world. But I am willing to place a server fund bet with anyone who'll take it, that FO4 will have some huge buildings with only 4 doors and absolutely no windows, which load as separate environments.

They will use all that lovely RAM for hi-res textures and models, more varied audio, longer view distances etc. because you can throw money at them and see immediate results.

They have to upgrade that engine or this

I got a bit bored of New Vegas I must admit. Didn't finish it in the end. Will probably still get this mind as the third one was so fucking good. GTA dipped a bit and came back all guns blazing so I hope this can too.
Yeah 3 was great but I never really got into New Vegas. I can't really put my finger on why though.

Maybe I'll get round to finishing New Vegas before 4 comes out :hmm:
Stigmata said:
I thought it was bloody brilliant. Atmospheric, tense, with a small cast of memorable characters and a haunted house type story.

YouTube Video

Looks interesting. The only one I tried which I was no way levelled enough for involved leaving your followers behind and escorting a caravan somewhere. Upon arrival all my quest companions got killed along with me not too long afterwards.
I too got bored of FNV quickly. Right after the start, I think. Maybe I was just in the wrong mood, but it didn't have the same initial impact as FO3.
Never got into Fallout 3 as it had been out a few years when I tried it. I'd seen too much praise/screenshots or something.
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