lang rabbie
Je ne regrette les gazebos
Elephant groupies might be interested in this architecture student's study of the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre - published on his own website - that reads like a love letter to the current building - one section is actually headed "the Joy and Beauty".
It does also contain some fascinating and (mostly accurate) building history.
Unfortunately, he seems to have failed to realise that the current painted cladding wasn't actually part of the original 1960s design, but [according to my copy of Pevsner and Cherry Buildings of England - London South, anyway ] the centre was reclad in 1978 to designs by the Percy Thomas Partnership.
My understanding was that it was at this time that the whole top floor of shopping (now the bowling/bingo) became the vast DHSS staff canteen. The current leisure use is a strange fulfilment of my prophecy from the one time I had lunch there with a former DHSS staffer in 1990 and I said that it looked like Butlins!)