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Electric scooters


Putin fanboy
Well this is a thread for everything E Scooter related. They are becoming more and more common. The govt are reviewing the law and are likely to liberalise it.


Lidl got them in from Thursday 04 April 2019.
£179 with a full two year warranty.
24 KMH
30 KM range
Lights front and back.
Illegal but I don't care.

I am very tempted to get one.
Well this is a thread for everything E Scooter related. They are becoming more and more common. The govt are reviewing the law and are likely to liberalise it.


Lidl got them in from Thursday 04 April 2019.
£179 with a full two year warranty.
24 KMH
30 KM range
Lights front and back.
Illegal but I don't care.

I am very tempted to get one.
maybe get a backpack for the charger and accoutrements
Bloody things, worse than cycles :facepalm:
They’re a great idea in theory, but given the state of the road infrastructure in this country where do you ride one?

On pavements is a shitty thing to do, far too fast to be safe for pedestrians around you, on the road you’ll be killed.
to be fair you'd be taking your life in your hands on many pavements too, which are almost as bumpy and frequently as potholed as the lethal roads
Apparently Aldi also have them. I'm put off by them having only a front brake. That's an accident waiting to happen.
They’re a great idea in theory, but given the state of the road infrastructure in this country where do you ride one?

On pavements is a shitty thing to do, far too fast to be safe for pedestrians around you, on the road you’ll be killed.
If you notice, the one Bahnhof Strasse posted is an Audi. That means you can ride it anywhere you fucking like
TBF their maximum speed is the same or indeed faster than a number of cyclists on the road. But I don't know what kind of range they'd had if one has to travel at top speed, and the wheels are so small that surely the very first pothole you fail to avoid will send you flying...
TBF their maximum speed is the same or indeed faster than a number of cyclists on the road. But I don't know what kind of range they'd had if one has to travel at top speed, and the wheels are so small that surely the very first pothole you fail to avoid will send you flying...
Yeah, they must be horribly unstable on anything but the smoothest of surfaces.
I'm really excited about getting one. All the fun of skateboarding but with minimal effort. Albeit with the same risks of injury.
Someone at work had one the other day. Looked pretty decent and got me interested.

I've just worked out I could scoot to work in 14 minutes with one of those...not too shabby! Takes me 40+ minutes on tram.
I see plenty of people riding smilar , though with larger phatter tyres, on the cycle lanes thru London, hopping up onto pavements at red lights.

Wondered about legality of using them on road/bike infra but guess law won't catch up until someone gets kippered by one.

You do look a bit twatty riding one on a road imho
They are not legal to use on the highway so roads, pavements and bridleways if you can find one, (mechanically propelled vehicle, but no way you could get them to meet the standards of a motor vehicle) but nothing will be done about them till there are some injuries to photogenic people then the newspapers will have a bit of a moral panic and old bill will get another priority to deal with...

I’m torn between thinking they look a right laugh, worrying about the little wheels falling in holes and thinking adults on scooters are a bit, you know, rubbish? Wish I’d have had a go in the states where they have schemes like shared bikes for them. Although the numbers laying about mean they were starting to ban them in some areas...
I've been tempted as an alternative to cycling, I'd like to have a go first though.
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