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Egypt anti-government protests grow

Someone trolling the #jan25 tag then? All I can think of.

Surely if someone doesn't want you to see something, all the more reason to look? (obvs with exception of nsfw stuff)

Looks like we have a 'dylans-filter' for the time being anyway, or is it just your way to get more people to look? :hmm:
Oooh Dylans, you so fast with the pics - you must have a good source ;)

A few more here.

Riot cops at Ramses St demo

Demonstrators push through police lines on Ramses St.


Riot cops face off against demonstrators. Numbers are growing into the thousands across Cairo. Reports of demonstrations broken up in Assyut.
That's today mate.
serves me right for skim reading :oops::D
The MB's are being alternately suffocated by the regime embracing them and destroying their credibility as a result and outright crackdown. The same tactics the regime is employing for anyone with any forces
the two groups we know about behind today are (seemingly) april 6 and the khalid said movement - both relatively new online movements, more about poverty, unemployment and anti-repression; the MB only belatedly joined in after initially opposing the protests. how likely do you think a really vicious crackdown is?
Ahram Online reporter in downtown Cairo confirms thousands of protesters have taken over the corniche, chanting "Tunis!" The march is now heading to 15 May bridge. (That's the Nile corniche - lots of important stuff there)
serves me right for skim reading :oops::D

the two groups we know about behind today are (seemingly) april 6 and the khalid said movement - both relatively new online movements, more about poverty, unemployment and anti-repression; the MB only belatedly joined in after initially opposing the protests. how likely do you think a really vicious crackdown is?

Really not sure. Today seems more about getting people used to being out there - the regime obv won't want that.
Do keep up. Today is tomorrow ;)
er yeah, I know, I rush-read it:oops:
(and though I agree the Egyptian state is pretty rough on demonstrations, it's not like you to be so pessimistic.)
I klnow and you're right, i'm normally much more optimistic. However, I've seen this lot (egyptian police) close up, repeatedly. they actually scared me more than any police I've ever seen (including saudi, UAE and argentinain). And mubarak is far more ruthless, out of necessity, than ben ali or the jordanian regime. Thanks so much for the pics tho - they've restored my optimism a tad:)
serves me right for skim reading :oops::D

the two groups we know about behind today are (seemingly) april 6 and the khalid said movement - both relatively new online movements, more about poverty, unemployment and anti-repression; the MB only belatedly joined in after initially opposing the protests. how likely do you think a really vicious crackdown is?

I think they have decided to let it go ahead. The cops are being swept aside by the sheer numbers of people and I don't think MB wants images of cops cracking heads of women and kids. Not today anyway. I think MB hopes it will dissipate after today. If it gathers momentum and continues after today? Well that's a different story. So far it has been pretty peaceful with the cops letting them demonstrate . (in Cairo at least)
Ahram Online reporter in downtown Cairo confirms thousands of protesters have taken over the corniche, chanting "Tunis!" The march is now heading to 15 May bridge. (That's the Nile corniche - lots of important stuff there)

More importantly I think, there are demonstrations breaking out in working class districts such as Giza and Shubra

(edit to add. twitter reports from Cairo estimate about 50.000 taking part in demonstrations in various districts of Cairo which, if true is a staggering number and may prove unstoppable)
I think they have decided to let it go ahead. The cops are being swept aside by the sheer numbers of people and I don't think MB wants images of cops cracking heads of women and kids. Not today anyway. I think MB hopes it will dissipate after today.
It looks like you're absolutely right, but do you mean MB or the govt here?
If it gathers momentum and continues after today? Well that's a different story.
and that's the key issue. mubarak can shrug off a day of protests. If they swell and grow....
Women in the Cairo district of Shubra shouting anti Mubarak slogans from their windows. Reports of similar happening in Alex.
It looks like you're absolutely right, but do you mean MB or the govt here?

and that's the key issue. mubarak can shrug off a day of protests. If they swell and grow....

Sorry I meant Mubarak (In my laziness I forgot that MB could mean Muslim Brotherhood too)

As for the Muslim Brotherhood. I think they have really shot themselves in the foot on this one by initially opposing the demonstrations
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