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Egypt anti-government protests grow


Too skool for cool

Mubarak & co seem to have a very strong police state. Stronger than Tunisia had. And Egypt got good at holding elections that appeared not quite as much of a sham as those in Tunisia. Another major factor is US aid. The US would keep the bucks flowing only if an uprising resulted in a gov that was acceptable to it. If the resistance is purely secular, the aid would probably keep coming.
FFS - stuff kicking off is not anonymous bigging their censorious arse up. This is not politics. Do you want to talk about Egpyt? About the social conditions? About what's actually going on?
FFS - stuff kicking off is not anonymous bigging their censorious arse up. This is not politics. Do you want to talk about Egpyt? About the social conditions? About what's actually going on?

This is about more than anon. Today is a national day of protest and demonstrations are called across the country.

Collected twitter tweets on the day of protest can be viewed live here
People protesting in the streets and setting fire to themselves does not = kicking off?


Stuff is happening in Egypt. Putting it under the anonymous banner is to spit in the faces of those out there doing stuff. Ir's massively insulting, high handed and frankly mad.
Thank you dylans, was about to post that up.

Here's one from earlier, police waiting for protests. I quite want the truck on the right, but that's by the by really.


Butchers, unless you are about to get on a plane sharpish and go on the streets of Egypt....well some people like to actually *do* something, y'know.
It's tomorrow that is "the day of revolution".
However, having seen the egyptian cops and security forces close up, the day of "the army and police cracking down very hard indeed" is prolly more likely. Due to the MB situation (as I understand it) and similar islamist groups that never haad as much strength in tunisia, the egyptian state is way more authoritarian and brutal.
This ain't gonna be good :(
That's today mate.

The MB's are being alternately suffocated by the regime embracing them and destroying their credibility as a result and outright crackdown. The same tactics the regime is employing for anyone with any forces.
"Hope that Jan. 25 Demonstrations May Mark a New Direction for Egypt" - yes, definitely unrelated link, that.

Sorry the flier was so big, i'm no good at resizing stuff :oops:
It's tomorrow that is "the day of revolution".
However, having seen the egyptian cops and security forces close up, the day of "the army and police cracking down very hard indeed" is prolly more likely. Due to the MB situation (as I understand it) and similar islamist groups that never haad as much strength in tunisia, the egyptian state is way more authoritarian and brutal.
This ain't gonna be good :(

Do keep up. Today is tomorrow ;)

(and though I agree the Egyptian state is pretty rough on demonstrations, it's not like you to be so pessimistic.)
"Hope that Jan. 25 Demonstrations May Mark a New Direction for Egypt" - yes, definitely unrelated link, that.

Sorry the flier was so big, i'm no good at resizing stuff :oops:

I apologise for being tetchy earlier. Doing too many things at once and don't like anonymous.
I'm assuming they're recruiting for a denial of service attack, which isn't quite the same as street protests and for different reasons. Anonymous don't have a political position other than opposing censorship afaik.
Then you haven't looked into it properly or the reasons behind the position. IRC thataway >>>>>>

Censorship is historically one of the first things to go when govts go bad, and is also a big waving flag that a govt is repressing or thinking of repressing its people, or is likely to do so (or do so more in the near future)

Is not just about the right to look at kitteh pr0n, nor is it 'just 4chan'
Yes there is a lot of bandwagon hopping by some of the people involved, but that is not all there is to it by a long shot. Any movement that inclusive will ahve a huge variety of people and involvement levels.

Remember you are coming at it from a position of someone living in a fairly unrestricted country, censorship wise. How would you feel if it were different?
Yes there is a lot of bandwagon hopping by some of the people involved, but that is not all there is to it by a long shot.

Remember you are coming at it from a position of someone living in a fairly unrestricted country, censorship wise. How would you feel if it were different?

I'm not opposed to anonymous. I just don't see why they're piggy backing on the back of everything in the headlines to the extent that they get a heads up in an op about a matter completely unrelated to them. The kudos goes to the folk on the streets risking their lives and liberty; not bored youth in western bedrooms using some software and at relatively low risk of Egypt's security services to come knocking at their door.
Just think you need to look into it more before going on like that, yes it *is* about 'people using a bit of software', but is also much more than that going on.
Just think you need to look into it more before going on like that, yes it *is* about 'people using a bit of software', but is also much more than that going on.

Perhaps i do. But answer me a question. Is 'anonymous' involved in orchestrating or taking part in the Egyptian uprising on the streets in Egypt? If yes then I apologise and stand corrected. If no then perhaps the anonymous action deserves a thread of its own and this should be for what's going on in Egypt.
2 thousand people reported in Tahrir Sq in the centre of Cairo. Smaller demonstrations reported around the country.



be very careful about the twitpic links, as I clicked on one posted to the #jan25 hashtag and it turned out to be very NSFW hardcore pornography...
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