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Economist Steve Keen meets... the Artist Taxi Driver.

Bollocks, I thought taxi bloke was sound.

He was at first now he's just a boring parody really. I followed him for quite a while and began noticing a subtle shift to conspiraloonery, he's mentioned chemtrails, criminal cabals, banking families and that sort of thing. The people he attracts to his channel are a rabble of new age types, 9/11 bores, Agenda 21 freaks, holocaust deniers and...well, you get the drift. It began with a trickle that's now turned into a great big dirty puddle.
I don't know, I think it was pretty easy to see there was something... not right, right from the start. Wasn't aware he's gone into conspiraloonery but it doesn't surprise me at all. Always came across as some sort of extravagant piss-take of leftists to me (considering he's also a performance artist), so I found it weird that people are / were so eager to latch onto him as some sort of voice in the wilderness. Something not right there...
I don't know, I think it was pretty easy to see there was something... not right, right from the start. Wasn't aware he's gone into conspiraloonery but it doesn't surprise me at all. Always came across as some sort of extravagant piss-take of leftists to me (considering he's also a performance artist), so I found it weird that people are / were so eager to latch onto him as some sort of voice in the wilderness. Something not right there...

Agreed, I always thought the bloke was as genuine as a nine bob note. I suppose some people need to feel like they've got someone else on their side no matter how transparent that person is.
i thought he was good as he helped to popularise these issues and sort of challenge the professionalisation of left wing activist politics and make it seem like something normal ordinary people could get and want to be involved in.

maybe not though.
Yeah, I remember hearing about him when I was younger actually. I can't place where, but I definitely saw some of his performances / stunts come up in the news. For example, remember the guy who recreated Jade Goody's death in an art gallery? Him. He also proposed the burning of a Shilpa Shetty effigy in solidarity with Jade Goody, according the wikipedia. Fucking classy, right?

His wikipedia page is pretty extensive, inc. this:

During the Diamond Jubilee, McGowan released a video criticizing the "police state" and the royal family, and expressed support for the theories of conspiracist David Icke.[235] The Artist Taxi Driver has also claimed that Princess Diana was assassinated and that the baby of Prince William and Kate Middleton is a surely a reptilian like the rest of the royals.[236] He also calls the Queen an all-controlling "centaur" with "hairy goats legs and hooves" and David Cameron and Barack Obama are her "wizards".[237] The Artist Taxi Driver is also a proponent of theories such aschemtrails[238] and government mind control, and occasionally wears a pointy aluminum foil hat to stop the royals "radiating his brain and controlling his thoughts".[226][239]

So that's at least a couple of years the Icke shite has been public.
Yeah, I remember hearing about him when I was younger actually. I can't place where, but I definitely saw some of his performances / stunts come up in the news. For example, remember the guy who recreated Jade Goody's death in an art gallery? Him. He also proposed the burning of a Shilpa Shetty effigy in solidarity with Jade Goody, according the wikipedia. Fucking classy, right?

His wikipedia page is pretty extensive, inc. this:

So that's at least a couple of years the Icke shite has been public.

That's no good :(
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