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East Canada - Toronto and Montreal


...isn't as good as Lewisham.
I'm thinking of going to Canada in October, any suggestions? Hoping to get 3 weeks off so may head to Vancouver as well, I realise that London is closer to Toronto than Vancouver!

Would quite like to see some whales if possible!
Montreal is really fantastic, loads to see, do and experience and the people are lovely too. Can you speak any French at all? They love it, cos 1) Americans don't generally know any French 2) Our English / European French schoolboy accents sound ridiculous to them, like inverse Clouseau :D 3) You will win friends instantly :cool:

Toronto also a great place to visit

I used to DJ over there, went quite a few times and absolutely loved it, Canada is the one place I'd seriously consider emigrating to.
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The AGO on Dundas street is brilliant with the added bonus of being a Frank Geary building. If you are going to Toronto that is. And Coras for breakfast.
I'm thinking of going to Canada in October, any suggestions? Hoping to get 3 weeks off so may head to Vancouver as well, I realise that London is closer to Toronto than Vancouver!

Would quite like to see some whales if possible!
see if you can take in a toronto bluejays game. And the Canadian tire store in toronto worth a visit for the range of hardware things they have esp extra large catflaps for fat cats.
I can't speak much French only the basic phrases. Will visit the hockey hall of fame and hopefully a Leafs game.
I love Montreal, but it's worth taking the time to brush up on French basics - believe me, a little bit goes a long way (basically they're sick of everyone speaking English at them, but they'll do a bit of Fra-inglish if you meet them part of the way).

Sitting eating perfect croissants and chocolat in a cafe, while watching NFL, was a cool mixed-up cultural experience. The city has a real buzz about it.

Toronto is not my favourite place really, though I've been around 6 times cos my ex's family are from there.. Find it a bit dull. But there is plenty on offer there.
I would highly recommend a trip to The Islands, a nice, slightly arty, residential settlement overlooking downtown (they basically live in the coolest place going - nice villagey crafty/arty vibe - peaceful island setting, overlooking the skyline of Toronto - gorgeous).
I visit Montreal every year because my in laws live there. Its a pretty smart place, most people are bilingual. The St Urbain street rule still exists. The west is mainly anglo and the east francophone. One of the ways to let people know you speak English is just to say 'bonjour hi' and the whoever is with you will know you wish to speak English. The only time I've ever had hassle was on the subway, trying to buy tickets from Atwater to Mile End. The moral is if you're going to use public transport, speak French. Oh and is possible that little old ladies will attack you for not speaking French too.

In terms of eating and drinking you'll be spoiled for choice, the food is uniformly excellent. Though I highly recommend Schwatz's s on St Laurent for a smoked meat sandwich and grape soda (go full fat), I like Casa ds Popolo for drinks and maybe a gig. Bar de pins for pints of cheap beer and a good crowd. musee des beaux arts is cool and I think it has a pretty cool Napoleon collection though that could be in another museum.

The Plateau and Mile end are still the hip parts of town though its like Shoreditch and Dalston, it's globalised version of localism can be a bit wearing. Hochelaga near the Olympic stadium is worth the trip (for the poutine alone) as is the Olympic village. Old Montreal is nice but a bit so what.

The markets at Jean Tealon (sp)and Atwater are excellent. Little Italy is fun. If you can get tickets to an Impact game you should go, same goes for the Habs the ice hockey team. It's a religion there.

I'll post more when I remember. I'm going in two weeks and really excited about it.

As for Toronto, I like it too. Sneaky Dee's is a cracking bar and that area ha loads of good bars and things happening. I think it used to be the centre of the local punk scene. The 3 speed bar is fantastic. There is great coffee in Voodoo child.
I visit Montreal every year because my in laws live there. Its a pretty smart place, most people are bilingual. The St Urbain street rule still exists. The west is mainly anglo and the east francophone. One of the ways to let people know you speak English is just to say 'bonjour hi' and the whoever is with you will know you wish to speak English. The only time I've ever had hassle was on the subway, trying to buy tickets from Atwater to Mile End. The moral is if you're going to use public transport, speak French. Oh and is possible that little old ladies will attack you for not speaking French too.

In terms of eating and drinking you'll be spoiled for choice, the food is uniformly excellent. Though I highly recommend Schwatz's s on St Laurent for a smoked meat sandwich and grape soda (go full fat), I like Casa ds Popolo for drinks and maybe a gig. Bar de pins for pints of cheap beer and a good crowd. musee des beaux arts is cool and I think it has a pretty cool Napoleon collection though that could be in another museum.

The Plateau and Mile end are still the hip parts of town though its like Shoreditch and Dalston, it's globalised version of localism can be a bit wearing. Hochelaga near the Olympic stadium is worth the trip (for the poutine alone) as is the Olympic village. Old Montreal is nice but a bit so what.

The markets at Jean Tealon (sp)and Atwater are excellent. Little Italy is fun. If you can get tickets to an Impact game you should go, same goes for the Habs the ice hockey team. It's a religion there.

I'll post more when I remember. I'm going in two weeks and really excited about it.

As for Toronto, I like it too. Sneaky Dee's is a cracking bar and that area ha loads of good bars and things happening. I think it used to be the centre of the local punk scene. The 3 speed bar is fantastic. There is great coffee in Voodoo child.
best bookshop i found in toronto was in the university, although the indigo in the eaton centre's good for fiction. there's a science fiction / fantasy bookshop not far from the university bookshop but i can't for the life of me recall what it's called.
They're full on bat shit about not speaking English, they should probably go to France sometime and see how chill real French people are about it:

speaking english montreal - YouTube

Yes like everywhere, the city has it fair share of idiots but Montreal is unlike the rest of Quebec (and in a way despised by the rest of the province) because it has got to a place where it's pretty comfortable with itself. Those you tube video's are put there by someone with an agenda. Usually some anglo who sees a French conspiracy everywhere.
"parley vouse anglay see voo play" ought to do the trick
Not in Montreal mate!

best bookshop i found in toronto was in the university, although the indigo in the eaton centre's good for fiction. there's a science fiction / fantasy bookshop not far from the university bookshop but i can't for the life of me recall what it's called.

Actually, when in either city I haven't looked in any of the bookshops. Pretty shameful really. Will visit Black Rose Books when I'm over. bromley you should visit Mont Royal for the parks, views, and the weird neon cross.
to which my response would be 'certainement. mais, il'y'a beaucoup des hommes et femmes qui parlent seulement l'anglais, par exemple. de temps en temps il faut parler dans un autre langue, peut-etre avec la malheur: c'est la vie'
Yes, that would probably work. They're known to be fairly reasonable around ideas like that ;).

I wouldn't spend more than a day or two in Toronto, Montreal is alot more fun. Vancouver Island is a great place to visit. Just getting there is a very scenic journey.
Vancouver's ethnographic museum is 5*.
Agree^^. Vancouver Island is one of the best parts of Canada, and where I spent an idyllic afternoon whale watching. Killer Whales, Minky and dolphins all spotted, but do check they will be around when you are there before you pay for your trip out, many will take you when they know there's nothing out there to see - Google is your friend!
If you're going to Vancouver island and like surfing try Tofino. There's a great hostel called Whalers on the Point in Tofino I'd recommend. The Gulf Islands are gorgeous too (I've been to Galiano and Salt Spring).
Montreal is a cool city - the best urban environment in Canada, imo. If you want a Montreal smoked meat sandwich there - and you should want one:) - I'd recommend Nickels at 710 Sainte Catherine Ouest. The ambience is great, and imo, the sandwich is better than Schwartz. I think Schwartz was better in years gone by, but has been resting on its laurels a bit of late.

It's bilingual in Montreal, and since it will be obvious that you're a British tourist, you should be ok. I've found that my attempts at speaking imperfect French in Montreal mostly led to people becoming impatient and a little disgusted with me. If you travel elsewhere in Quebec outside of Montreal without good working French, you might find yourself having a few less than pleasant encounters.

Toronto isn't as good as Montreal, but it's still a great city, and a good time. Lots of good food, vibrant neighborhoods, etc. Go for jerk chicken on Eglinton.

If you want the outdoor experience, Vancouver or Victoria are good jumping-off points, but frankly, they're kind of boring as far as cities go. There are whale watching tours here; but check the guides: whales are spotted in the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, as well. :)
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Just back from Montreal. I can recommend if you like cycling getting a bike and cycling out along the south shore to Ste Anne de Bellevue via Lachine canal, Lachine village, Dorval, Pointe Claire, Beaconsfield and Ste anne. You can rent a bike at Atwater. Plenty of place to eat, get a drink etc. Will take about 6 hours in total but the confluence of the St Lawrence river and Ottowa river is pretty special. Also there is a Dep (food store that sells booze) in Pointe Claire that has the best selection of Quebec beer.

Went to a place called Smoke Meat Pete's off the island. Great sandwich. Rough atmosphere, plenty of bikers etc but behind the gruff people were really friendly.

Went up the mountain on Sunday and caught the LARPers in action. Weird stuff.

Also caught a Gridiron game between Concordia and Laval.
Montreal is great but don't forget Quebec.

And the Laurentian mountains are amazing if you have a car with a full tank of gas.
Doing a family visit to Toronto this summer to see other relatives. Only about a week. Haven't been since I was a teen.
They're not so much into arty/cultural stuff and like a slower pace, so I'll no doubt break away for a few days if I can.
Aside from niagra, the museums, what else is a must in the city and any nice places I can get to and back by train in a day or so?
Doing a family visit to Toronto this summer to see other relatives. Only about a week. Haven't been since I was a teen.
They're not so much into arty/cultural stuff and like a slower pace, so I'll no doubt break away for a few days if I can.
Aside from niagra, the museums, what else is a must in the city and any nice places I can get to and back by train in a day or so?

Walk the CN tower? Eat way to much at Sneeky Dees. The distillary district is meant to be hopping (I went a few years back and it was a bit meh.) Get the train to Montreal (4 hours I think)? Kingston and visit the islands?
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